Chapter XVI - Bloodlines.

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I heard voices. Nearly inaudible voices. I was in a numb state. Looks like all the strength went from the both of us.
Our eyes opened slowly as we slowly regained our strength.
"Ugh. What the hell was that?"
"X, Crescent? Is that you?" Nurse Ann asked.
"Of course it's us. Who else?" We groggily said.
"You're finally awake. You both saved our lives."
"What happened?"
"You both finished Zalgo."
"You mean this?" We held the crescent pendant. And we saw a figure with 7 mouths locked inside there.
"He's in there?" Slenderman asked.
"Precisely. He's physically dead while his soul's pretty much alive."
"Hey, Cressy-bear. You're awake." Lazari.
"Hey, beautiful. Better than ever. What happened?"
"Well, you went fully demon and after you killed Zalgo, you passed out."
"But on the bright side, you're OK." EJ said, holding gauze.
"Thanks guys." Grinny Cat came up and started to snuggle next to me.
"So, now that the Hivemind is dead, what now?"
"Now, we get some rest." Slenderman assured.
3 months later...
The Executioner's POV
It feels good to have another you inside your body every once in a while, note I said once.
"Do you fear death, dearie?"
"Liar." I held her up and pinned her to the wall, "I'm gonna enjoy this. I pulled out my sickle and carved a small smile from her lips to her cheeks.
"Please don't kill me." She whimpered.
"Sorry, my dear. I don't believe you." Crescent and my voice intertwined. We stabbed her heart and she fell. We carved a crescent mixed with an X on her head.
"We. Are. One." We walked out the house as it exploded behind us. Hell yeah, we're that dramatic.
The forest, after 10 kills...
"Do you fear death?" We ended up taunting campers close to the territory of the mansion.
"Who are you?"
"Who are we? Who are we? We're the ones who haunt you in your sleep, The ones who make you suffer, We are killers of the same body, I'm Crescent, The Executioner." We deeply growled.
"Where are you?" Their scared enough.
"Right here." We were right behind them. They took off running as we startled them.
"Ah, I love a good chase, don't you?" Crescent internally asked.
"Of course." We darted behind our targets as they were running blind.
We caught one of them and knocked him out. As with the next one, we had it our way.
"Do you fear death?" I cut all 4 of his left fingers as he was terrified.
"Yes. I fear death."
"I don't believe you." We held him up by the throat and we let out a blood curdling scream. A scream so powerful, it could blow someone's head off.
"I. Am. Him." His body fell limp as we burnt it.
The torture room...
I invited the other proxies to join me, including Slenderman to witness the execution. I also turned into Crescent just to give him an edge.
Crescent's POV
"Boys, we have a witness. And what do we do with witnesses?"
"They die a horrible death." Masky said.
I cut open his body from the stomach go up, then one by one we take his organs out, I yanked his tongue out and sliced it off, letting him see his tongue one last time. "Oh how I can rip your lungs out, you little fucker." I took my sickle and carved a smile from ear to ear. "Service with a smile." Toby sneered. We hammered his hands and feet to the table as he was restrained fully. He faintly tried to move but I smashed all of his teeth with my trusty sledgehammer, Masky and Hoodie hooked his eyelids open as we wanted him to watch his final minutes of death. We took his intestines and started snipping away, "Ah, intestines. A proxy's favorite organ." We grabbed his kidneys and stored it away for EJ, you know how he loves his kidneys.
"Ready for the grand finale, boys?" I held my knife in the air, ready to stab.
"Do it." Slenderman instructed.
"Let this be the last voice you hear, the last face you see. I am death incarnate. I. Am. Crescent."
I drove my knife straight into his heart. It was over. He's dead.
After dumping the body...
I sat on the mansion's rooftop, twirling my sickles, looking at the moon. It was a crescent.
"Hey Cressy-bear." Lazari came up to the roof.
"Nice moon tonight."
"Crescent, I love you. So much." She laid close to me and rested her head on my shoulder.
"I love you too. Maybe too much."
We just laid there, watching the moon and the stars.
"This is our legend finally happening."

The end.

The Executioner II - The Rise of Crescent. (Another Creepypasta Origin)Where stories live. Discover now