Chapter XII - Contemptress.

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Hours later...
I woke up in Nurse Ann's office. I slowly opened my eyes and closed then back. Until someone started poking me.
Whoever pokes me again is dead.
I woke up to see Sally.
"Hey pumpkin."
"Hi. How're you feeling?"
"How are you, love?"
"Weak. What happened?"
"You were stabbed. Very deep. I managed to get the knife out but there's another scar on your back."
"Ugh." I got up and turned my back facing the mirror.
Death is near, pastas. Zalgo is scarring my back because Crescent is inside of me.
"Another scar?" Jeff asked.
"Yeah." I just jumped out the window into the forest and ran as far as my legs could take me.
"X?" Nurse Ann technically  caught up to me.
"Ann, stay away from me."
"What's wrong?"
"It's all my fault. All of you are being hunted because of me." I clenched my knife as I was enraged.
"X, please. Don't push me away."
"I'm afraid you'll be hurt. Ann, I don't want you to see me falling."
"I'll be there to catch you. Look, you're going through so much. I care about you, Crescent Jacobs. I love you so much to lose you." Her hands cupped my cheek. Blood started to fall from my eyes. "I love you too. I just don't want to see you fall."
"I won't." She held me close as possible.
"Let's get back to the mansion." We walked back to the mansion and everyone was worried.
"You OK?" EJ asked.
"I'll be fine. Just need to kill something."
That night...
I walked down the pier to see a fisherman. Let's just say, I had a new execution method to try.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" And yeah, I dragged Ben along.
"Who's there?"
"Death." I grabbed him from the water and drowned him.
"He did meet a terrible fate, haven't he?"
"That's my line. What you do to him?"
"You'll see."
This just in. A fisherman was found dead with his genitals hanged from his fishing hook. As this marks another mysterious execution, no suspects have been found, but investigations are continuing.
"You didn't."
"I did."
"You used an execution method from Dark Link."
"Let's just say Link gave me real good execution methods when I heard his story."
We entered our next victim's place and we had it our way, she tried to summon Ben himself, not the cartridge version, the bathroom version.
"Ben, how did you drown?" She said. There was a splashing noise and Ben just appeared right behind her. The lights flickered and I appeared.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
"Who are you?"
"I. Am. Him." I dumped her in the bathtub and made her drown. As her last bubble of air popped, I made a huge gash on her arm and made the triforce logo with an X in the middle.
"So think of this as damnation." We exited her place and went across the street. Technically, my killer in a past life's parents are still alive and I'm gonna finish them.
"This is the end, Hacksaw family."
"W-who are you?" They ended up shocked.
"The one who took your son's life away. And so will yours."
"You monster." He was armed with a knife while I shot my musket and punctured his vein.
"Do you fear death?" My hands were at his throat.
"Pitiful." I stomped on his stomach until blood came up, "Now imagine this, the look on your son's face when I took his life, the anguish it caused you and what you will now experience firsthand." I forced opened his mouth and fed him gasoline down his throat.
"I really wish you can hear her scream. Now you'll just have to watch." I lit a match and set his body on fire, "So that's why they call it heartburn." I grabbed his wife knocked her unconscious.
The forest...
"She's awake." Masky said.
"Perfect." I sharpened my guillotine blade, "Do you fear death, sweetheart?" I cupped her cheeks as she bit my hand.
"I guess you don't. No wonder why your son was a wimp when he died, all bark, no bite."
"Why did you do it?" She whimpered.
"He made me the monster I am today. And now, he paid the price. So will you."
"Don't worry it'll be quick and painless, you won't feel a thing." Toby whispered as he made a circle of gasoline around her.
"Do you fear death?"
She nodded fast. That's not a good answer.
"Well then." I cut open her sides and sprinkled salt on her lungs,"You. Are. Guilty. " I cut out her tongue and waved it in her face, "Executioner got ya tongue?" I cackled as Toby set the fire ablaze around her.
"You sure she'll survive?" Hoodie asked.
"She won't."
The next morning, at the mansion...
And in other news, a 17 year old girl was found dead in her own bathroom, marked on the victim's arm was a triangular logo with an X in the middle, leaving authorities scratching their heads. Also 2 other murders were reported as a 36 year old man was found burnt to death and a 34 year old woman was found being eaten by vultures, slightly charred. No suspects have been found but investigations are continuing.
"How's that for entertainment?"

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