Chapter I - A Touch of Destiny

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2 years after Mason Black's execution...
The Executioner's POV
One other day, Another lie. Another reason for people to die.
It's been exactly 2 years since Mason was killed and today's the day I visit his grave and more or less, spit on it.
"You're in a happy mood, X. What's the occasion?" Slenderman asked.
"It exactly makes 2 years I killed Mason, and tonight, I'm gonna make him burn in hell."
"Isn't he already dead, child?"
"He's dead, when I say he's dead." Looks like I felt a little twitchy when I said that.
"Go to Nurse Ann first. You look a little pale."
"Sure." I walked down the hall to Nurse Ann's office.
"Knock knock." I opened the door.
"Hey, Executioner." I heard a giggle after that.
"Hey, N. A.  Slendy said I needed to see you."
"Yeah, you do. You told him?"
"I haven't told anyone." 2 years ago, Zalgo wanted to recruit me to his army but I refused. Clearly, I have a curse inside of me.
"Are you sleeping well?"
"Of course." I lied. I haven't been sleeping at all. I'm mostly in the forest or in the living room, watching a movie.
"You look paler than before. It looks like the curse is taking shape."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, your red dreadlocks are turning white."
"WHAT?!" I felt a sudden urge to flip something.
"X, calm down." I went to the mirror and saw my hair actually turning white. Slowly.
"And the scar?"
"It's worse than we thought."
"Zalgo." I growled deeply.
"X, please. We don't know what this curse can do to you." She rested a hand on my shoulder.
"It looks like you care." I looked at her.
"I care for all of you. You especially. You've been through so much."
"You too. I've seen your scars. Why wouldn't you tell me your past?"
"It's complicated." I kissed her forehead as I held her close.
"You think your origin was worse? When I first came to you, I had no eyes, remember?"
"You literally couldn't see well." I grabbed my weapons as I walked closer to the door, "Be safe."
"Always." I walked out the door and saw Jeff, Sally, LJ, EJ and Toby outside.
"That was cute." Jeff smirked.
"Jeff, no. Besides, I'll only end up breaking her heart anyways."
"Aw, X's got a girlfriend!" Sally chanted. No matter how cute she is, she is such a punk.
"No, you little pumpkin." I lifted her up and she squealed.
"So, we still on for tonight?"
"Of course.
That night, the guys night out...
"How does it feel, dude? Two years dead. Well maybe, you should've thought twice before you killed me."
I opened his casket and poured gasoline and alcohol on his decomposing body. And then I poured out on his casket.
"Care to do the honors, Jeff?"
"With pleasure." The Molotov cocktail broke on the casket and Mason's casket started to burn.
"Burn in hell, bitch." I started laughing uncontrollably.
"OK, we get it. He's dead. What now?" Toby asked.
"Liquor run?"
"Hell yeah!" They all yelled.
The liquor store...
"You. Are. Guilty."
"Go to sleep." Jeff and I killed the owner and dismembered his body. One of the fat ones. Juicy.
We got some expensive liquor and set the store ablaze.
"Killing spree, anyone?" Jeff asked, playfully.
"Oh, you're on, Jeffery."
"One with the most kills, gets the expensive liquor we stole."
"Deal." LJ said.
"Deal." EJ said.
"Deal, nice to come home with something good for Clocky." Toby said.
"Deal." I snickered.
"Good. Split!" We all split up and got to work.
I opened a door silently and entered a house. I walked into a bedroom and saw a couple. Looks like the wife went to the bathroom. I pulled out my combat knife and did a makeover on his body. I carved a smile on his face from ear to ear, I carved an X on his forehead and scooped out his eyes. When the wife came back, I hid in the shadows.
"Honey?" It's only when she saw his motionless body. She froze.
"Who's there?" She whimpered.
"God." I whispered from behind her.
She ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Classy. I pulled out my sledgehammer and broke the door down.
"P-Please d-don't kill me." She begged as I stomped on her.
"P-Please." She begged weakly, her voice faint.
"Do you fear death?" I whispered into her ear.
"Yes. I do. I fear death." She whimpered. I kissed her neck, making her feel weak. The sound of her moans were faint as she was nearing death. "Sorry. I don't believe you." And with that, I slit her throat and carved an X in the back of her neck. Until my hand jerked and made a crescent moon on her chest. Weird. Looks like the curse is taking over.
After 45 kills...
"I killed 25." EJ said.
"I killed 20." Toby said.
"I killed 35" LJ said.
"I killed 40." Jeff said.
"45. Read em and weep, bishes."
"Dude, stop seducing your female victims to death. That's not right, dude." Jeff said.
"And by seduce, you mean, pour alcohol over their body and make them look like you?" He knows what I'm talking about.
"What happened with Nina, she deserved it."
"And that's why she gives you pet names every time she sees you." I shot back.
"Burned by The Executioner, Jeff." Toby said smirking.
"Anyways, pass my trophy, dude." I was handed the liquor as we walked back to the mansion.
I went to my room and heard a voice. "He can't hide forever, Executioner."
"Zalgo? What are you doing here?"
"Well, I hope you like the gift I left inside you."
"What gift? A curse?"
"Not just any curse. It looks like everyone will know the true you. Especially your whore of a nurse girlfriend."
"I will end you. One way. Or another." I aimed my knife at his head.
"Looks like the curse is taking shape. Looks like nobody knows the secret you hid so well."
"You don't mean-"
"The secret that keeps you up at night. What eats away at your core. Your real name." I bared my teeth and held my axe firm.
"Get. Out." I deeply growled.
"Gladly." And he disappeared.
One thing I've never told everyone, but Zalgo knows. My real name. But you'll get to that soon enough.
(A/N That's right. I'm back. Looks like a war is coming. What do you think is X's real name? Comment your thoughts.)

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