Start from the beginning

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-Hey guys! Hey tomatoes!

-It's me Tori and welcome to my channel Sunrise Victory shine

-a few weeks ago we watched the MLP movie and a lot of things happened

-that's what we are gonna talk about today -

-I know i know. This is very different from the content that I usually make.

-But just bear with it, ok? -

-Let's just start this thing

-So me, my cousin, my mom, and my dad decided to watch the MLP movie on the afternoon that Sunday

-On our way to the mall to watch the movie I was in a sour mood because my parents didn't allow me to bring my iPad along

-"Like whyyyyyy"

-"Yeah I know it's a pretty shallow reason"

-but It's not like I'm gonna use it to illegally record the movie or anything...

-I was just going to use it for music while during the car ride or while I'm waiting

-When we arrived at the movie thingy at 5:00 pm to get some tickets

-we asked the lady in the counter when the next showing will start and she was like

-Oh, it's later this evening at 9:00 pm


-that's like so late at night -


-We thought for a looooooooooong time if we should continue our plans of watching the movie or just go back home

-It would be a shame if we just went back because that would mean we went all the way to the mall for nothing

-I really, really, really want to watch the movie

-and the advertisements all over the place didn't help either

-So we waited for 4 long hours just to watch the freaking movie

-I did buy a book from a bookstore and we ate at a restaurant to pass some time

-I remember walking around the mall at that time while singing a horrible parody of baby shark. Me and my cousin were singing so loudly at that time

-apparently one of classmates was also there

-and he probably heard my horrible singing

-it was soooo embarrassing


-We dashed to the movie place and found a lot of people in there and assumed that they were there for the movie

-A guy who was working there also told us that there are people other than us who will watch the movie at that late hour


-Those people in the lobby where from a Sunday religious service thingy

-It was only actually me, my mom, and my cousin who watched the freaking movie (my dad was watching another movie BTW)

-We had the whole movie house for ourselves it was like a fancy private screening

-why did that guy lie to us -

-Actually, there was another guy in the room but we didn't really mind him because he looks like he smokes weed or something

-"I don't know" and I don't really care

-It was my first time having an experience like that

-and the movie was so cool *insert poster with cool glasses and sparkles*

-and the animation and graphics where perfect *👌*

-I feel like the storyline is a bit rushed tho *scribbles*

-but other than that it was epic

-When we got out of the movie house

-The whole mall was BARE

-There was no one there anymore except for the guards

-Look! I even made a short vlog about it

-*insert clip* (I lost the clip tho... But it was just me looking around the bare mall in the darkness with my cousin and my mom. It was kinda creepy)

-And the video was cut short because the phone ran out of battery -


My Art and Randomness (2-in-1) (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now