27. Lesson Two

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My arms were sore. No. They were beyond sore. I had stayed up for two hours last night practicing with the sword. It probably wasn't the best idea.
      By the time I had staggered out into the living room, Pax was already gone. A small note next to the toaster explained his absence.

Had to go to training so I could actually learn something rather than just beat you up all day. There's bread by the fridge. Be to the room by nine. And don't be late.

I scowled as I set the note down. He may have had a point about me not being any good but he didn't have to rub it in my face. I grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. While I waited, I swung the wooden sword a few times. It had become easier to hold but my arms still burned from keeping it up. I just needed time. I jumped as the toast popped up. More sleep is what I needed. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. It wasn't going to happen.
      I retrieved the sword after I had finished my toast. Lesson two was today. And if it was anything like lesson one, I wasn't looking forward to it.
      I walked down the hallway in silence. I had somehow managed to remember how to get to the training room. I stepped inside just as the flood of demigods surged toward the doors. I was surprised when three other demigods besides Pax stayed behind.
I studied them. The first was a boy who looked about two years older than me. He had brown hair, shorter than mine. I couldn't tell what colored eyes. He wasn't smiling. He had an air of authority about him that I didn't like.
The second was a girl. Her red hair flopped against her back in a tight braid. There were a few freckles across her face and her eyes were welcoming and trusting. My instinct warned me against her.
The final demigod was also a girl. Her brown-blond hair was messy and light sheen of sweat was on her forehead. She almost looked bored, with her arms crossed. She was glaring at me. I narrowed my eyes at her as Pax spoke.
"Lesson two. Know who to trust." Pax walked over to stand next to the boy. "Aidin. Lily. Bella." Pax turned back to me. I looked at each one of them again. I still didn't trust any of them.
"Pick one." I glanced at Pax. Was he crazy? I surveyed the line again. I was sure they would all kill me if they got the chance.
"Aidin." The word was past my lips before I could think about it. I met Pax's eyes. He was surprised. He quickly cleared his face of any emotions.
      He nodded at me as Aidin moved to stand by my side. "Interesting choice. We'll see how it turns out." I kept my eyes on Bella as the demigods each grabbed a wooden sword. Bella was the one who set my nerves on edge the most.
      "Ready?" Pax asked as he moved to the side. The two demigods across from us each held their weapons. I nodded as I raised my own sword.
      The two demigods rushes us. I met Bella's sword in the air and moved quickly. I pushed back and spun, but she was more experienced than I was. She sidestepped my next swing. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I moved right quickly and struck with my sword. Lilly fell to the ground.
      I could see Aidin come at me from the left. I shook my head. I had guessed as much. Pax didn't do anything. Then again, I hadn't expected him to. I jumped left as Bella's sword hit where I had been standing a second ago. Then I gave into my instinct.
      I let my body roll over Bella's crouched form. Aidin yelled something at her and she stayed down. He jumped over her and landed in front of me. Good. I ducked as Aidin's sword flew over my head. I jammed my own sword up, feeling it connect with his chin. He fell backwards, tripping over Bella who had been starting to get up.
      I surveyed the three demigods on the ground. Then I spun to face Pax, who was standing off to the side. I let the sword fall from my grasp as I met his eyes.
"Trust no one, and no one can ever betray you." The words were barely whispers from my lips.
Pax studied me. After a full minute, he spoke again. "Bella. Lily. You can go." I heard footsteps head toward the door. Aidin moved past me to stand by Pax. Aidin glared at me as he rubbed his chin. I shifted my weight.
I met Pax's eyes as he spoke. "Lesson three. Control."

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