6. Rescue

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      I opened my eyes to find Jason pacing again. I groaned as I tried to push myself to my feet. It was a bad choice. My vision swam as I collapsed back to the ground. Jason continued his pacing, either unaware that I was awake or not caring that I was. I sat there for a little while longer; shivering and eyes closed. A creak brought my attention back to the cell. Jason had stopped pacing. He stood between the door and me. He's trying to protect me, I jolted.
"Khione. I won't let you–" Jason's back tensed.
"Hurt him? I'm simply here to ask him a question." Jason hesitated.
"My answer is still no," My voice was still quiet. Jason didn't move.
"Shame," Khione's voice bounced off the ice. I shivered as the temperature seemed to drop around me. "We could have had so much fun."
"Taking down Olympus? I'll pass." My teeth chattered. I saw Khione over Jason's shoulder.
She smiled at me. I shivered again, but not from the temperature. Khione turned and left. I started shivering again as the temperature kept dropping. Jason quickly turned around knelt in front of me.
"No...no..." Jason reached toward me but flinched back from the cold. The temperature must only be around me. "Why can't you just keep your mouth shut?" Jason mumbled as he pulled my t-shirt off from around him. He quickly took my jacket off and slipped my t-shirt on. He cursed as he put my jacket back on. When he pulled back I noticed that his hands had a faint blue tinge to them.
He muttered something else but I didn't get all of it. Something about Percy hurrying up and cursing Leo. I leaned my head back and exhaled. The air was so cold it hurt to breath. "Ja-Jason," I stammered.
"Hold on, Julian." Worry painted Jason's face as he watched me. "They'll be here."
"Wh-who?" I squeezed my eyes shut.
"The others of the Seven. Except..." Jason trailed off and looked away. I felt the cold starting to penetrate my skin. I actually felt the cold. That wasn't good.
      I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my self slowly freezing. My teeth chattered hard than before. A warm substance trickled down my chin. Blood. Jason was in front of me but I couldn't hear him. My head was in too much panic. I was going to die. I was actually going to die. I whimpered as Jason stood in front of me, helpless. A bang made me open my eyes. I continued to shiver as Jason embraced someone. I couldn't see who.
Jason walked toward me and said something. I didn't hear what. I saw that Percy and Piper now stood behind him. Percy came forward and smiled. He said something else to me then frowned, even though Jason winced a little bit. They started to realize I couldn't hear them. Percy and Jason each grabbed one of my arms. I gasped as their warm hands connected with my frozen skin. I let my head hang as the warmth burned me.
Khione's voice startled me. You will choose. And you will choose me. I closed my eyes. The darkness came in as I slipped from consciousness.

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