20. Collision

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      In case not everyone knows this, running down stairs can be very tiring and dangerous. Especially if you have four demigods that you're pretty sure want to kill you behind you.
      I had missed a few stairs earlier and had paid the price. A small gash was on my left arm where I had hit the wall when I tripped.
      Yes. I tripped.
      Don't make fun of me.
      By now I had perfected the art of skipping the stairs all together and just hurtling myself from platform to platform.
      Unfortunately, so had the demigods behind me.
      As I jumped to at least the ninth platform, I noticed there were no more stairs ahead. The darkness stretched on into the ground. I briefly wondered what was in it before reminding myself it was better than what was behind me.
      I sprinted into the darkness. In case not everyone knows this either, it's very dangerous.
      Don't do it.
      I hit the wall head first and fell backwards, gasping. At least it was pitch black and no one could see me.
      You nitwit. Get up and go left. Khione's voice floated through the darkness. I struggled to my feet and cursed as I turned left and took a few steps forward. I wasn't eager to have another run in with the wall.
      A shout behind me made me move faster. I could hear Piper in the darkness. "Annabeth and Hazel take the right. Frank, you're with me." I started to sprint again. I found that I was starting to get short of breath.
      Right. I turned hard to the right and felt my arm scraping the wall on my left. Too close.
Duck. I slid to the ground and saw the faint outline of a water main above me. I scrambled to my feet and continued to run. I heard a loud noise behind me and almost grinned at the thought of Piper and Frank running into the pipe. Almost. I was still running for my life.
Sharp left. There'll be a door on your right. I turned quicker than I thought was possible and skidded to a stopped. My hands shot forward and searched for the door. I heard Piper and Frank start to slow as I found the doorknob. Do I open it and risk being heard?
      I turned the knob as slowly as possible. I felt the door start to move silently under my hands. Frank's voice startled me. "Piper. Take the left. I'll go straight." A shuffling noise told me they were moving again. How did they see this well in the dark? I grumbled as continued to move the door open. It wouldn't be long before Piper was here.
      Once I judged the door was open enough, I started to slip through it. I was almost through when Piper smashed into my shoulder. I slipped and hit the door, which then proceeded to slam open into the wall with a loud bang! I froze, unsure of what to do. Piper was standing beside me but she hadn't reacted at all.
Frank's voice echoed off the cement walls of the tunnel. "Piper?"
I heard Piper take in a breath. She hesitated before answering. "Sorry! Didn't notice the door! He's not here! Let's hope the other group had better luck!" I could hear Piper's footsteps retreating back down the hallway.
I sat on the floor until they were gone, my head spinning. Piper knew I was right there. That was a fact. But she let me go. Why? None of this made any sense to me.
It's called mercy. And it will be their downfall. This time, Khione's voice didn't assure me. What if I was wrong?
I stood up and shut the door quietly behind me. My head had told me that Khione had answers. Now, my heart was starting to tell me otherwise. Which one was right?

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