Chapter 27: Lost In The Worship

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"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."
- Random.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Katherine had been in that shower for about two hours, and with the shower closed now, the only sound she could hear was the echo of the water droplets, hitting the floor, as they cascaded slowly down her body.

The large, royal bathroom was foggy to such an extent that she could barely see through it. This was just the way she liked her showers; so hot it almost burned her skin. She squeezed the water out of her hair, and walked towards the mirror.

All of her movements seemed to be slowed down. It felt like she couldn't bring herself to move, felt like there was a burden on her shoulders. She stopped in front of the mirror, and her hands stopped squeezing her hair.

Instead, tears streaked down her face. Silent tears as she stood her ground, stared herself down in the mirror. Challenged herself. She looked at her reflection with pure accusation. Pure rage. And anger.

If it weren't for the tears, her expression was almost too deadly to look at. But right there, in the tiny teardrops, was the weakness.

Since when has Katherine White started feeling weaknesses?

She knew the answer, knew it better than anything else. The answer was engraved onto her heart, a heart made of stone. She breathed the answer. She worshiped the answer.

But it was that one answer. That one answer, that she couldn't own. Couldn't admit. She wasn't allowed to do that, no matter how much she wanted.

She was breathing hard, her head was spinning. She could not let this happen. Not to herself. Not to her sister.

Her sister.


Was it alright to do this to him?

She gave up. She collapsed onto the tiled Bathroom floor, she curled up into herself. She sobbed, trying not to think of the King of Silvetotia, holding her in his arms. The King of Silvetotia, begging her to stay. The King of Silvetotia, telling her he needed her.

The King of Silvetotia, breaking apart, right in front of her.

No one had ever begged her to stay before. No one had ever needed her. No one had held her in their arms so tenderly, yet showing that they knew she was strong.

No one. Had ever looked at her. The way he did.

Because Katherine knew she was beautiful, she knew it as a fact. And people had looked at her, and appreciated her beauty.

No one had ever bothered to look through the pretty mask. No one had ever bothered to look at all the ugly parts, let alone stay after getting to know everywhere Katherine was lacking.

Minutes passed by. Maybe hours. She didn't know. But by the time she gathered the strength to stand up, her body had dried. She knew her eyes were swollen, her cheeks wet with tears.

She walked out of the bathroom, no towel on, into her room. Her clothes were laid down on the bed, as always, but as soon as she exited the bathroom, she froze.

Saving the Stranger Prince (The Stranger Prince Series #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant