Chapter 5: You Made the Wrong Choice.

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"There's still a fire in my heart, my darling, but I'm not burning for you."
- Birdy ft. Rhodes, Let it All Go.

The Prince had to be out of his damned mind.

"Did you just say that I need to kill the King of Silvetotia?" She pouted.

Something about her pout made him laugh. And for some unknown reason, his gaze lingered on her lips for longer than it was supposed to.

"Yeah, I said exactly what you heard," He smiled, "Again, I don't find it necessary to explain myself, or clarify why I want you to kill him. You'll just do as I say."

"What if I don't?" She challenged, and the Prince smirked.

"I'm getting a feeling that you love your life enough to not do that in any case." He said, "You don't really have a choice. You have to do it, no matter what."

She sighed. Katherine knew there was no way she could win over him. She knew she had gotten herself into this, and now she'll have to do it.

"What will I get, when I do it?" She looked up tiredly at the Prince, who for some reason, looked very happy.

"Let's imagine the best case scenario, and say that you spy on him and bring me all the information without being killed, and then successfully kill him without leaving behind any trace?" He nodded, "I will free you, and then you can do whatever you want. There would be no hindrance in your life afterwards."

That gave her some hope, but she didn't give that hope enough space to grow inside her. Katherine couldn't help but feel all kinds of happy when she thought that she would be able to go back to Ella, without being killed. She'll be able to see her again. Spend some more time with her. Give her all the love that she had deserved, but had never gotten.

"But," The Prince cut into her thoughts, walking forward to stand directly in front of her, "The worst case scenario is that either you get shot at first sight, and you die. Or you get caught, but ultimately you die in that case too."

He chuckled, "Well, in that case I wouldn't be able to do anything. You will just be dead, ha."

"Douche." She muttered. The Prince picked on it, and raised his eyebrow, but shook it off with a grin.

"But then there is this scenario, where you betray me, and leave. Where you defy me." He then moved dangerously close, "In that case, Katherine, I will take from you everything you value in this world."

He smiled viciously, "I won't kill you, because that would be too lenient. Believe me when I promise you, that I will make you suffer in every way possible. And no matter where you run, I will find you."

She gulped in. She didn't doubt for a second that the Prince was lying, or bluffing. Each and every word he uttered was dipped in bitter truth.

"You don't know anything about me." She whispered, "You don't know what I value."

The Prince was so close. So close that if she even moved an inch, their lips would touch. So close that when he spoke, she felt his breath on her lips.

Saving the Stranger Prince (The Stranger Prince Series #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz