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"Lady Y/n...My lady wake up"

A soft voice intrude my sleep,but i obey to wake up anyway. I sit up sleepily on bed, i could feel the curtain had already drawn open. Opening one of my eyes,i saw Elena by my side, but her face is strict,no emotion, no smile, nothing. It's solemn, and i saw a few other blue badges in here, helping to sort things out. I don't feel good about this...

"What happened?"
"Come my lady"

Elena pull my arm and help me to the bathroom. My bath is ready, and another two blue badge ia in here. That makes it five, five blue badges including Elena in my room. Too many people, something is definietly wrong. I tried asking Elena what happened, but she keep asking me to hurry up.

"but can't you tell me what's happening?"
"My lady,i believe you'll know soon. Please,get ready..."

She hand me a black knee length dress, i look at it questioning what i'm doing, before Elena lightly push it into my hand. I didn't have a chance to reposition my dress,before the other blue badgea pull me to stand and comb my hair,put on my shoes and put some face powder. I feel Elena lightly pull my hair into a high ponytail and fixing it afterwards.

"She's ready,escort her downstairs" Elena said and two blue badge nod pulling me lightly away from my room. I just follow because i had become tired asking.

"my lady,this way"
I came downstairs to be greeted by the white badge's driver. I got even more puzzled. What is going on?! I caught a glimpsed of the sky,shiny as ever...But slightly cloudy...

"umm,can you tell me where are we going?"
"i'm sorry, i have no power to talk."
"then i command you to talk" i vigorously say,venom dripping from my words

"sorry,order came from a higher power my lady"
"higher power?! who dare to be more powerful than my father and upcoming throne?!"

"Lead General Suga, my lady"

What?! Since when he rules everything? Father is just away for a few days and he already rule things?! No way!

"we're here my la-"
I didn't let him finish when we stopped,i rush out from the car an slammed the door shut. I really need to talk to him!

Speaking of the devil,there he is!

He wear a black suit, i was about to rush through, but then,i saw Taehyung, what was he doing here? He's not part of EverHill family, nor belong to EverHill. He's Syrus's. Syrus should stay away from any of EverHill private problem! So why is he here? No wait, he wear...

A suit....

What does this mean? I realize everyon here is wearing a black suit and tux. Seriously, i need a break! Someone need to tell me something or i'm gonna explode. AND WORSE,I saw Jin!

He's the Head of Green Badge, lead general of White Badge. It's so hard to see him around because he's always soooo busy. It's a miracle to not see him rush around. And one of the miracle is today,him wearing suit, a black one and just stand there,being a statue. What's wrong...?

"Announcing the arrival, of our most honoured,Lady of White Badge,descendant of the throne. Please welcome, lady y/n"

A soft chorus of claps fill the venue. Weird,i'm not asking though, but usually people will scream and chant when my name was said. I know they adore me, but today is different. What happened?

"please proceed forward my lady. Here please"

The MC invite me to stand beside him on the set up podium.I slowly walk to him, legs shaking. As soon as i stand beside him, i saw upon me, sad and solemn faces, some even have puffy eyes...

"I will now continue. As we all know,our very beloved leader, along with his wife, had went to travel away,promising to be back after a week. But last night,we received a news from them. As much as it's hard for me to say,i gotta to..."

I gulped,why is he talking so formal like that, plus it's about mom and dad. I saw at the corner of my eyes, yellow and red badge,standing there, dumbfounded. I heard the MC let in a heavy inhale, so i listen carefully,

"Two days ago, while on the sea, a rough storm came over, and our ship had capsized and broken severely."

" It is reported that no one survives..."

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