~Chapter Fifteen~

Start from the beginning

"(Y/n), listen I'm no longer Katie Holt. From now on I'm Pidge Gunderson, ok?" Pidge says to the me, in the memory, while placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Of course. Pidge, I promise to help you find Matt and Mr.Holt, even if it kills me." I say while placing my hands on her arms.

She smiles then pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you." Pidge says and the memory disappears once again.

To my right another memory appears.

"Who's in our group?" Pidge asks as I check the list on the wall.

"Two guys. Lance McLain and Hunk Garrett." I then jump as a hand places itself beside my head on the wall.

"That's us. The name's Lance." Lance says with a wink.

I flush, this being the first time I was flirted to. Pidge approaches me and nudges my side, we all shake hands after introducing ourselves then head off to our rooms.

The memory fades once again and no light refills it. Silence and darkness surrounds me as I float in the nothingness.

"(Y/n)." I freeze at the voice that resounds behind me.

I shake my head not wanting to turn towards the voice.

"(Y/n). Come on. Look this way." The voice becomes two and tears fill my eyes.

I fall to my knees as tears fall from my eyes and onto my legs.

"You guys died. You've been lost for so many years, so long that since I was 10, Katie's family offered to raise me so I wouldn't become an orphan." I say as the tears flow freely and sobs fill the empty space.

"(Y/n), listen. You can't give up hope, ever. You must be strong. There's something your father and I kept from you." I look up finding my parents in front of me.

I couldn't see them clearly though. My eyes were becoming blurry and my head started to hurt.

"You'll find out in due time (Y/n). Just remember that we love you." I hear them say before my eyes began to open.

I look around finding myself tied up next to Lance and Shiro. I groan under the restrains and watch as Sendak fiddles with the control panel.

The shattered crystal was replaced by a new one that was red in color. It seemed as though Sendak was trying to fly the castle off of the planet.

I struggle a little bit, but wince at the pain in my leg. Sendak notices and walks over to me, picking me up by the ropes tied around my back.

He brings me over to the screen and I notice that some of the programs weren't working. The screen then pops up revealing Pidge in a lower part of the castle. She gasps when she sees me in his grasps.

"Let her go! She's done absolutely nothing wrong." Pidge says through the computer and I look at her and Sendak in confusion towards the situation.

"You had best fix whatever you broke down there, or else I'll fry her so bad she won't know who she even is anymore." I tense at his words and notice my right leg had been freed.

I look around finding Shiro conscious and he gives me a small smile. I swing my leg forwards and hit Sendak in the stomach with my heel as hard as I could. He drops me and I hobble over towards Shiro and Lance.

I collapse on my knee and Shiro helps keep me upright. The screen behind Sendak shuts off and he turns towards us in anger.

"You're all just huge nuisances, I should just eliminate all of you. It'll make this so much easier." Sendak says while approaching us.

I was prepared to protect Shiro and Lance as best as I could, but before he could get any closer, a familiar green arrow flies past Sendak's face. We both look over towards the door finding Pidge with a smirk on her face. She races off and Sendak takes after her. I fall onto my butt in exhaustion when I hear footsteps once again. I look up finding Pidge again and she rushes over to me, cutting my bindings.

"How did you-" I was cut off as Sendak's arm rockets towards us once again but Pidge pushes me away so I don't get hit.

"Did you really think a silly little hologram would trick me?" Sendak says in a threatening tone while inching closer to us.

Allura and Keith run into the room soon after and I crawl back towards Shiro and remove him from his bindings, then lie next to Lance.

"Stand back all of you! Or else your friend will get it-AGH!" Sendak was backing towards us, since Lance and I were the weakest links currently, but a laser flies past me hitting Sendak in the back.

I look over finding Lance with his bayard out. He looks at me and smiles, then passes out once again. I catch him in my arms and Shiro takes the chance to charge at Sendak.

Everyone began fighting Sendak as Allura rushed towards the controls and began typing something in. Everyone would land a hit, that would do nothing, then be launched back. I shut my eyes as I cradle Lance in my arms.

'Please everyone be safe. No body get hurt anymore. Please!' I yell in my head then hear a crash.

I look up and watch as Sendak's huge arm falls to the ground after Pidge cuts the purple stream holding it together.

"Now!" Allura suddenly yells and then Shiro charges in and pushes Sendak backwards, towards the crystal. A barrier forms around him, trapping him inside.

Everyone begins to bring him off to the cells but Keith stays behind as I hold Lance in my arms.

"Lance, are you ok?" I ask, on the verge of tears, and he opens his eyes and releases a tired smile before passing out once again.

Keith walks over to us and places his hand on my shoulder. I look up to him with teary eyes, which surprise him, and he gives me an awkward smile.

"We did it (Y/n). So don't worry, you'll both be just fine." He says and I release a tired sigh.

"Y-you're right." I say as I feel my body become heavy.

I sway to the side as I feel myself start to faint. Keith catches me and calls out my name as I pass out once again, with a relieved smile on my face.

Emotions and plot! Ahhhhhhh! And yes the readers family was also deemed MIA on a mission so Pidge's family raised her, but readers family kept a secret from her.....what could it be??? *insert spoopy ghost noise* lol anyways thanks for reading and for the 1K reads!!! It makes me so happy!!!

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