Chapter 26: The Raptors

Start from the beginning

Without so much as a response to the question Nyssa's body coursed with lightning as she looked up letting loss a large bolt.  Three seconds was all it took to hit the dragon as a roar echoed throughout the area.  

Pure anger passed over one of the images and Yina she smirked.  "Found you."  Flinging her arm towards the man Yina's own bolt left her hand slamming into the real Raen sending him flying into a nearby tree.  All of the images started to fade leaving just the one.  "Not so mighty without your images are you."

Pulling himself up off the ground he straightened his uniform picking up his great sword.  "I am still bound, do not underestimate me."  He glanced towards Yina's bleeding arm, and charged in aiming for that side of her body.  

He was quick, Yina followed him with her eyes and reacted lifting her injured arm up wincing in pain.  The great sword made contact with the metal vembrace sending her into the air from the sheer strength Raen had put behind the attack.  

Wide eyed Yina flailed a bit in the sky trying to gain her balance from the unexpected flight.  Raen wasted no time pulling his sword back around in a horizontal slash towards Yina's waist.  A violet clawed arm intercepted the attack, metal glancing off of the scales and claws.  

Before anyone else could react the sound of woman screaming in pain rippled through the area.  Looking around everyone seemed to pause trying to figure out the source of the noise.  "Athel!"  Raen stated looking worried as he turned back to his fight.  

Trying to flank the man Tyn had been slowly moving forward staying inside the man's blind spot.  Before he could make his move however a dark green dragon, almost black swooped in from out of nowhere slamming into Nyssa sending the smaller dragon tumbling across the ground.  

"Sorry I am late."  A tall thin man stated as he bounded off his dragon, vines traveled from the dragon's head all the way to its tail.  The man wore the same uniform as Raen with one exception he had a red scarf around his neck as well.  He had short black hair, vibrant gold eyes staring at Tyn.  

"Better late then never Riller."  Raen stated as he smirked at Yina.  The odds had definitely turned towards the raptors again.  "Take care of the brat."  Nodding towards Tyn as he stalked back towards Yina ready for the one on one fight.  

Dropping his shoulders a bit Riller grabbed a thorn covered vine wrapped around his wrist and snapped it out towards Tyn, not quite close enough to make contact.  "He is not even bound, this won't even be a challenge."  

"Do not underestimate me."  Tyn hissed slipping his sword back into its scabbard and then taking his defensive stance taking deep calming breaths.  Outwardly he was calm and collected inside was whole different story.  Every fiber of his body was scared, here he was a ordinary boy fighting a grown dragon bound.  

Rolling his eyes Riller took three quick steps forward and lashed out violently with the whip.  With practiced reflexes Tyn drew his sword quickly taking his own quick step and slashed the vine in half smirking from the success.  

"Why so happy?"  Riller stated as he whipped the vine back around, the end growing larger as a dim green light coated it.  The tip slapped Tyn across the face sending him stumbling tot he side.  Reaching up he felt blood running down his cheek, turn to face the man he tried to take a step and could not.

Looking down Vines were rising up from the ground ensnaring Tyn where he stood.  The thorns digging into his flesh as the spun up.  With a quick flick of his wrist he slashed the vines apart, getting a moderately confused look from Riller.  

"Obsidian I see."  Riller responded giving the black sword a closer look.  "So not completely useless."  Lifting his hand out a fine snaked up Riller's leg into his hand snapping off at the same length as his other vine whip.  

Nyssa and the new dragon fought it out in their own section of the open field.  Nyssa made quick attacks before leaping back with greater speed then the larger dragon could keep up with.  Each time her claws made contact with the opponents scales the bounced off.

Pausing Nyssa waited for the opponent to make a lunge to hit her.  Leaping to the right and forward she closes the distance taking advantage of the opening.  Raising her claw up she focused what little magic she had left into the claws.  Lightning rippled around them as the claw slammed into the dragon's side slicing through the scales.  Roaring in pain the dragon twisted its vine tail slamming Nyssa away.  

The fight between Raen and Yina continued, Yina having learned her lesson had started to deflect the blows with her blades instead of taking the attacks head on.  She was losing ground however as Raen continued to focus on her injured side.  The wound itself had reopened blood running down her arm.  

"Just give in Yina."  Raen whispered.  


Dragon Binder: Book One of the Dragonblood Priestess Series (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now