Chapter Six

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"Those fuckers." I limped through my door and closed it behind me, making my way though to the bathroom and running a bath.

I shut the bathroom door behind me and stripped off looking at the new and older bruises and wounds littering my skin.

I slipped into the bath, letting out a sigh as it relaxes my muscles, ignoring the pain from the fresh wounds.

I put my phone on in the background playing music. I hummed along quietly before it got to a bit I knew off by heart and then I let the lyrics flow from my lips, not much louder than the hum.

I washed the dirt and sweat from my body before getting out the bath and pulling the plug watching the mixture of dirt and bloody go down the drain. I sat on the edge of the bath treating my wounds and covering the gash on my thigh with some gauze. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom, through the livingroom and to my bedroom.

I rested my hand on the doorknob sensing someone inside.

I was in a towel, and I had no way of defending myself except my fists.

I opened the door and saw seven people crowded on my double bed talking amongst themselves.

"Yah! Who are you and what do you want?" I yelled, startling the seven boys and they turned to face me. I recognised one to be Jin.

"We came to thank you." Jin smiled softly over at me. "You risked your life to save ours, no human has done that before."

"I'll be the one to end your lives if you don't get out my room!" I hissed and held my towel up around my chest. Jin chuckled and the boys walked past me as they left my room. I changed into some PJ's and loosely tied my hair up.

I walked into the livingroom and saw them all sat around the room, all talking amongst eachother again.

"You couldn't have went down to the reception and asked to come in because...?" I trailed off, their faces seemed familiar but I couldn't tell completely.

"We're idols." Jin chuckled softly. "We would have been noticed."

"Can I just point out, your blood smelt lovely." I felt someone behind me with their hot breath against the skin of my neck. With no hesitation I grabbed both his wrists and pushed him up against a wall, letting go of his wrists and pinning him by his stomach with my foot. "Yah! That hurts!"

"We're sorry about him, he's Jungkook. The makane. The newest of us all. He's usually rather well behaved."

"Imagine if I told any of my brothers you tried drinking from me," my voice was low. "It wouldn't end well for you so I suggest you keep your filthy fangs away from me."

"Yes ma'am."

I let him go and he walked over to the boys again. I sat on my sofa.

"We came to ask a favour as well, please."

"Depends what it is. I'm a busy person trying to make a living and get my family back." I picked at my nails.

"We need a place to stay, we won't be in your way and we won't get you into trouble-" Jin spoke.

"Basically we need somewhere to live, our last home got raided by hunters. We've been on the run for a year."

"I can't fit you all into this apartment." I spoke looking up.

"Your brothers gave us this. They said you would know what it's for and what to do with it." The same male who cut of Jin held up a golden key. A key to the old house.

I launched forwards and grabbed it off the male, tears welling in my eyes as I held it in my hands.

"They gave you this?"

He nodded and I took a shaky breath.

"I can get us a completely blacked out car for midnight. Bunker down until then." I spoke quietly. "Don't be making too much noise. Many hunters live in this apartment block."

They nodded and I went to my room, grabbing my bags and packing my stuff up.

It had been a while since I had started packing.

"Do you need any help?"

"I'm fine, thank-" I felt two hands on my waist.

"Make a sound and I'll kill you right here and now." His voice was low. I could still hear all seven boys in the living room.

My weapons were too far away and his lips were already pressed against my neck. I had to take my chances.

"Jin..." I whispered, knowing how sensitive a vampires hearing was. I heard the low chatter cease. "Help."

I felt the attacking vampires fangs extend and I closed my eyes.

"Yah. Let go of her!" Jin's voice filled my ears.

"It's you lot." The vampire spat, tossing me into a wall. I let out a small groan of pain.

"Now we get to kill you like we were meant to months back."

The Hunter, The Hunting, The Hunted.  // BTS Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now