•Chapter 11: The beginning of the end• •Part 2 of 4•

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I made sure to get the photo album before jumping in the car. I speed down the highway, my heart beat going fast and sounding like heavy knocks on a door. After avoiding car after car and a few stop lights, I reach to Henry's apartment. My heavy fist pounds on his door. He swings the door open and I lay a punch square on his left jaw. "What the hell?!" He holds his jaw. "Explain this shit! Explain it all! Right now!" I throw the album on his chest. I'm at a shortage of breath and Im forcing tears to remain in my eyes.

"What are you saying?!" He looks at the album, "Explain what?! Explain photos?! What else do you want me to say?"

"Don't give me that bull shit!" I grab the collar of his shirt and slam him on the wall.

"Scarlett! What's gotten into you?!"

"There's a spirit haunting me and I swear if you have anything to do with it I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

His face of worry transforms into a smile. He starts chuckling, "Oh Scarlett! You don't want to let this all out on him do you?" Henry opens his eyes to reveal a dark brown. It startles me and lose my grip on him.

"What the hell? How- how did you do that?" I stutter, backing away from him.

"Do what sugar?" He has a joker smile and begins to take steps towards me.

"Don't come any closer..."

"Oh? Didn't you want to kill Henry earlier?"

"You are Henry..."

"No I'm not darlin'." He walks toward the photo album on the floor. He flips a couple of pages and finds a photo of the two siblings. He runs his finger over the photograph. "What the hell..." I say in a low voice. He jerks his head up quickly at the sound of my voice. "I'm not Henry." He projects to me. "Yes, yes you are."

He gives me a grin, "Want me to prove it to you?"

I tilt my head to the side, as a sign of confusion.

"Watch!" Right after that word, Henry's body falls to the floor. He lifts his head from the ground after a few seconds. "Oh gosh... what the hell happened?" His voice returns to its normal gruff state. He lifts his head and looks up at me to show his grassy green eyes. "Henry?"

"Woah!" Henry pulls himself up.
"What's going on?!" I say.
"I don't know, I'm not doing this..."

He makes his way to the kitchen and opens drawers until his finds what he was looking for. "Henry... put that away." My voice shakes as I look at the kitchen knife in his hands. "I can't! I cant control my body! Scarlett!" He turns the knife around, facing his abdomen. "No, Henry!"

Both hands on the knife, he plunges the object through his stomach. I let out a scream, astonished at what was happening before me. He looks down at his stomach, trying to keep his balance as he stumbles around. He looks up at me and thick blood drools from his mouth. "Scarlett." He gurgles as he falls to his knees. "Henry!" I fall down to him and see his eyes slowly losing life. His life, like a candle, was blown out.

I look around the apartment, "What do I do now? Oh goodness this is horrible! What is happening?!" I run my fingers through my hair. A grunt comes from Henry's body. My eyes widen, "What the hell?" I push my legs up and back away from the body. Henry's hand twitches and he begins to lift his head. He gains enough energy to lift his body from the dark red puddle that stained most of his shirt. A hard cough escapes his mouth and he stumbles up. I try to look into his eyes and see the murky brown that overcame the gorgeous green I was so familiar with.
He was right, whoever he was, he wasn't Henry.

I run to the photo album and grab it. Before reaching the door, I see Henry's phone on the counter and I quickly grab it. I hurriedly click In my seatbelt and dial Alice's number.
"Hello?! Henry? Is Scarlett ok?"

"Alice! Alice, it's me!"


"Listen to me-" I turn my head to see the open photo album in the seat next to me.

"Oh my gosh..."

"Scarlett! Hello! What?!"

"It's the kids! Alice, it's the kids! The boy! The boys the one who possessed Henry!"

"Scarlett! Where are you?! Me and Chris are coming home right now!"

"I promise! It will all make sense!"

On a red light, I rip the photo out of the album and flip it over to see the names Annalise Herring and Nathan Herring.

"So that's your name? Nathan?"


I reach the house and I see Alice's car already parked. My body beings producing adrenaline and I rush out of the car to the house. The main door swings open and Alice turns to me, her face filled with worry. "Alice! Chris!" I look to both of them and open the photo album. "Look! Look! This is the family, and these are the kids terrorizing the house!"

Alice looks down at the album and looks back at Chris. "Scarlett did you take your medicine today?"

"Alice? Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?! The kids are the ones causing all this!"

They begin to extend their arms out.

"Don't touch me!" I yell, "What's gotten into you?! Do you not understand what's happening?" Chris tries to grab my arm but I break free from his grip. "Let go of me!"

"They're not going to understand." A child's voice echos from up the stairs. I turn to see the little girl once again speaking from the railing.

"Look! Guys look!" I point to the top of stairs.

"Scarlett... we don't understand what you're trying to show us, ok sweetie?"

"Alice! Look it's the same girl in the photo! She's right there, don't you see?!"

"Baby... there are no pictures in that book. That's a guest book. Yes, it has the names of everyone who lived here but it holds no pictures, Scarlett."

My mind goes numb. "What? What- no! No! No, look! The books full of pictures, look!" My breathing accelerates.

"Umm, um-what about the scratches? On my wall? Remember those, the day I passed out?"

This time Chris answered, "Scarlett, there was nothing on the wall the day we found you passed out. There were just a bunch of pills scattered on the floor near your bed and on your covers."

"No- no, you guys, those were wood shavings. The shavings fell from the wall behind my bed."

Alice cuts in, "No Scarlett. There was nothing there but a bunch of scattered pills."

I puff out a breath of air. "You guys can't be serious?!" I begin to breathe in and out quickly, almost getting light headed. "Chris, get her." Alice whispers. "Alice! No! Get off me!" I break from his hand and run up the stairs. "I'm not crazy! Alice! I'm not crazy!"

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