Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    School today was buzzing about the prom later being held at our school gym. Fritzy bragged about being the prom queen later and how she will wear her crown later. There’s only one crown that can fit her, the bitchy crown. Yup, that’s her crown. Bree was also babbling about her nails. She was worried that they might get broken when she writes notes. Kent just kept quiet about the whole thing about him being the prom king. He acts as if today’s just a regular day. Why are boys like that? Zach still can’t be seen anywhere. Rumors said that even teachers are going to participate. All of the students—well, except the nerds probably—were bummed out after they heard about those rumors. They were even cursing. 

    During class, I can’t concentrate too. It’s not because of the prom but about my left wrist. It’s as if I feel like it’s glowing but it’s not. I guess I’m just that paranoid. What has gotten into me? Suddenly, heavy rain poured outside. Lightning designed its way to the clouds as the thunder gave its beats. The sky got darker all of a sudden. People around me were starting to complain about the weather, but you’ve got to admit there’s nothing you can do. Unless in my case, I can get in trouble in this heavy downpour and let Kent have the ability to control weather so he can save me. But it isn’t much of a risk that I wanted to take. My insides were cold. Everything is cold. I almost jumped off my own seat because I felt something stinging my left wrist. Something stinging my tattoo. What the heck was that? I shook my head gently and continued taking down notes, telling myself that I was just paranoid. But the feeling is still there.

   Kent found me lingering along the lockers when it’s lunch time. Until now, I honestly still am thinking about the electrical feeling I felt awhile ago during class and right now. As he wraps his arms around me, the bodies in my muscles started to relax even the feeling’s gone so did the rain which I find it weird—I thought only people have mood swings, and now, even the weather has mood wings. It’s like Kent repelled the force around my wrist. Knowing Kent will always be beside me, I felt I’m always safe. It’s like he’s a drug and I’m getting addicted to him. I never want him to leave me because I want to feel safe every time. 

    We had our lunch and the feeling was finally gone. I felt absolutely fine. Bringing out my sandwich from my body bag, I munched on it while Kent just watches me.

   “Mind sharing?” he said across me. He leaned the side of his face on his palm. 

    I shook my head, while I still chew the remaining lettuce inside my mouth. The meat almost choked me but I gulped my orange juice.

    “Too bad,” he stood up from his chair to reach for my sandwich and bit it. Only half of it was left. “Yummy!” he talked with his mouth full.

    I scowled at him but he kissed the tip of my nose, “Not working,” I half lied to him. It worked, but I wanted more.

    He swallowed, “Really? I can see it in your eyes Carths,” he chuckled. “But anyway, looks like you’re asking for one.” He grabbed my face to kiss my lips. 

    Nodding approvingly, he smiled at me. The bell rang and I’m already full so Kent offered to take the sandwich. I nodded as he shoved the remaining to his mouth and he threw the tissue to the waste bin. After class, Kent joined his friends while I went home alone. Kent told me that he wanted to at least send me home but I stopped him since I would still see him at the prom. He should at least have his guy time. I took the bus. While it was moving, my eyes traveled outside. The rain had dried up so quickly. Pinkish blue skies dominated the once gray sky. The roads were dry. It’s as if it never rained. How peculiar weather could be. 

     I arrived home and started dolling myself up. I warmed up my curling iron, and washed my body. I was clean as a daisy. Taking out my dress from my closet, I slipped it on and managed to zip the zipper at the back. I slipped on my stilettos and it suits my dress. The dress made my legs stand out even more since it’s a high low dress. Putting on my sparkling golden bracelet in my left wrist to cover up the tattoo, I also hung earrings in both of my ears. Now, the curling iron is ready. I enhanced my curls again and pinned it with a gold sequined infinitey clip to a low half ponytail. 

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