Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

   When I went near the room, the body guards lowered down their sunglasses and examined my body. They seemed shocked to see me so I spoke up, “Can you guys show me to the washroom? I really need to go.” I tried to let my voice sound seductive which I have no experience doing. Honestly, I learned them from Fritzie. She was a flirt, but I’m not. I’m doing this for Bree’s sake, and she owes me big time for this. Both of them looked at each other as if they don’t know what to do. I was hoping that both of them would go with me so I added, “C’mon both of you! I just wanna have fun. Just…one…night.” I wanted to kick myself for sounding so ludicrous. 

    They grinned at each other and left the room. We passed by the hallway with the supply closet I went to and I stopped there. I danced for them hoping they would like it. I saw some dance moves from the friends of my mom so I kinda learned from it. I circled around them touching the back pockets of their jeans and sneakily pulled out the card for the room’s door and shoved it quickly to my ripped jeans-shorts. I slipped both of my hands to the both of their backs and led them closer and closer to the supply closet, “I change my mind. Let’s have fun here. Shh! Don’t tell anybody about this, okay?” They nodded happily as I caught them removing their belts together. I was getting scared so I shoved them hard towards the supply closet and locked the door. Good thing, the supply closet was big enough for the both of them and I remembered taking my body bag out there. I hid it behind a potted plant beside the elevators. 

    Walking slowly but surely towards the room, I inserted the card and it unlocked. Slowly opening the door, I peeked in. The living room was empty so I got in easily. No one was around in the living room nor the kitchen which is just beside the living room. There is only one place I haven’t checked, and it’s the master’s bedroom. I leaned my ear to the door and listened for any sounds. Luckily, I heard the Mr. Gibbs talking to Bree, but I didn’t hear Bree’s voice just muffled voice. Oh no, don’t tell me…she’s been tied up. I blamed myself for not bringing any pocket knife I could use. 

    “So, a daughter of millionaires, Bree Waters. Let me tell you my plan. How about I rape you then I’ll threaten your parents to let them give me some of your million bucks until you’re all broke and I’ll be filthy stinkin’ rich! Good idea, no?” I heard Mr. Gibbs said followed by a muffled scream then a hard slap.

    “You’ll never get away with this,” Bree finally spoke up accompanied by heavy breaths. “I’ll get outta here.” Slap. This is too much. He’s hurting her. Just then, I heard Bree screamed out loud and Mr. Gibbs’s soft laugh. I twisted the door knob and found Bree lying on his bed and Mr. Gibbs on top of her. The good thing is, Bree was still on her clothes. When she saw me, she kicked Mr. Gibbs’s groin and rolled out to stand behind my back. “Thanks for coming Carther! And thanks for distracting him. Oh and how’d you find—”

    “I’ll explain later,” I cut her off. My eyes scanned the entire room quickly and found a blade lying on his desk. I got it swiftly and held it against him. I’m practically mad at him right now because of what he almost did to Bree and what he planned to do with her if I didn’t show up. Mr. Gibbs stood up to lunge forward but he didn’t hurt me or Bree. Instead, he had hurt himself. The blade. I was holding it but now it was stuck deep into his stomach. My whole body was shivering so hard. I killed someone. Tears were starting to form in my eyes but they didn’t get to fall because Bree dragged me away from the bedroom towards the door. When we’re about to head out, guess what, the bodyguards had escaped. I knew the door wasn’t going to hold them much longer since they were stronger. 

    “What did you two do?!” one of them yelled as one of them grabbed both of our wrists. Coincidentally, he grabbed my left wrist which was hurting already. I already promised myself to not let Kent be involved in my fights so I tried to fight with all my might. Bree tried to fight too. One of the bodyguards went to the bedroom while this one was holding us so tight. The grip was getting tighter and tighter. I bent down, turned around and bit his arm which he let go off Bree and me. 

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