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He hit the ground hard. His breath was forced out of him and he curled up. The world was a mixture of fire and shadow. A loud horn sounded and he tried to get up.
"Wow. You are pathetic."
"Oh. Great. Just what I need."
"Yeah boo hoo your subconscious bullys you."
"Piss off."
"Yeah. Sure. By the way you do realise your little stint, you know the whole tentacle thing has fucked me right over. I mean the damage you've dealt is undescribable. I'm struggling to even sit here and talk to you."
"Huh. Maybe I should do it again."
"You know what this reminds me of. This reminds me of that day on the bridge."
"Shut up."
"When you were being a vegetable. What was it I said ?"
"Shut. Up."
"No it wasn't that."
"Shut it."
"Are you a vegetable Arvin."
His left eye flared and the tendrils burst from his back. They flew stright at where he had just been standing but he was no longer there. He sighed and pushed himself to his knees.
He got no answer picked himself up and began walking. The building they had been in was nothing more than rubble and fire now.
"Arvin. You all right ?"
He whirled and saw Cervas standing in the behind him. He was holding a sword.
"Oh you made it. And you already have a weapon. That's handy."
"This isn't for defence."
He blurred forward and thrust the sword towards his neck. He backstepped and sent his fist into Cervas's wrist. He dropped the sword and glared.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologising ? I just attacked you with a sword."
"Yeah but I know why and I'm sorry."
Cervas looked at him and sighed.
"Ahh fuck it. I'm done. This shit sucks."
"What are you going to do."
"I'm gonna join up with the Vampires. See if they have anyway to bring people back."
Cervas nodded and walked away.
"Thank you though. For saving me."
At that Cervas was gone. He turned and kept looking for Nora.

That bastard had humiliated him. That was all he could think as he walked along the flagship of the fleet to address the High shadow. He arrived at a large ornate door. Before he even had a chance to knock it opened.
"Come on in. "
He walked in and took a seat. A moment later a tall man with white hair walked out and took a seat opposite.
"So. You fucked up."
"What ?"
"You got your ass beat by a vampire of a year. How long have you been a vampire again ?"
"A millennia."
"A millennia ! And you were thrown around the place like a ragdoll. Priceless."
"Did you see what I saw ? No you didn't. There is something completely different about him. He is already at the level of a thousand year old Vampire and he, as you say has only been one for just over a year. And the tendrils."
"Ah yes. They were rather interesting. No matter they are all paste now."
"What ?"
"Oh yeah. We bombed the fort. We will repair it obviously but it seemed like the safest way."
"Anyway the kings forces should be here soon and then the real fun can begin."
He called the shadows to him and left the room.

"NORA !"
He he kept walking I circles trying to find her and it was driving him crazy.
"Arvin ?"
He whirled and saw her buried under a pile of rubble.
"Oh there you are."
He began pulling chunks away until he had created a little opening that he could pull Nora out off. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out. She fell to the floor and began panting.
"You alright ?"
"No, Arvin I was buried alive."
"Oh. Ok. Still we need to get out of here."
"Where's Cervas ?"
"He joined them."
"Why ?"
"He said they might have a way to get his wife and child back."
"They do. But he won't be able to pay the price."
"What ?"
"The vampires have a way to bring back the dead but the cost far outweighs the benefit."
"How so ?"
"Don't worry."
He helped her up and they began to run towards the wall they had jumped off a year ago.
"Going somewhere."
They turned and saw Fanvas stood behind them leaning on Morrowsunder.
"Arvin my friend. Explain something to me will you ?"

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