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Two days had passed since his deal with Arvin and he had heard nothing from the Innkeep in Rothintum. He had left perfectly implicit orders. Contact me when she wakes up. It wasn't hard. He was so caught up in thought that he bumped into the scariest person in the castle. The battlemage. He was a tall, thin man with a particularly gaunt face and very little hair. He stared at Cervan with a blank expression.
"Sorry about that."
The mage stared.
"I was just, um........ stuck in thought."
The mage stepped round him and kept walking.
""Hate that man."
Cervas kept walking down the stairs until he reached the bottom most cell. This Cell belonged to Arvin. He stepped round the corner and Arvins head whipped up. He looked at him and his head dropped again.
"Afraid not friend."
"You're sure you can trust this guy ?"
"Yes. What are they doing to you ?"
Arvin was pale and dripping with sweat. His every movement was slow and pained. His prison clothes were red in places.
He looked at him and sighed.
"Ok Arvin. I'll come back tomorrow or when I hear something."
He smiled and turned to see his squire running down the hall clutching a letter.
"Sir Cervan. A letter has arrived from Rothintum inn."
"Ah. Thank you Rully."
The squire bowed and went steaming off up the stairs.
"Such an odd boy."
He opened the letter and sighed.
"Ok. Arvin, the Innkeep has contacted me and Nora has woken up so I'm going to go and check on her."
A barely audible sigh from the cell.

He got to Rothintun at midday and walked into the Inn. As Soon as he stepped in the Innkeep ran over and apologised to him for his "Tardiness" as he put it.
"Don't worry friend."
The Innkeep nodded and went about his business.
He climbed the staircase and pushed open the door. Immediately upon entering he was forced to duck as a bolt jammed itself in the door where his head had been a moment ago.
"So you're awake then."
Nora dropped the crossbow and gave a half hearted smile.
"More or less. Where is Arvin ?"
"Ah well that's actually why im here. You see, Arvin made a deal for your freedom and safety. That deal being that he come with me back to the city witbout a fuss and I, in return would guarantee your safety."
Nora thought for a moment before replying.
"So he's in the fighting pits ?"
"No. He is in one of the Five cells in the entire kingdom. So in that regard he is a rather extraordinary rarity."
"Why is he in a cell ?"
"Because the king has other plans for him. I dont know what they're doing to him but the Arvin I spoke to was not the same Arvin I brought in three days ago."
"What do you mean ?"
"He was, I dont know, weaker this morning. He never stopped asking after you but he was paler and he could barely stand."
Nora didn't reply.
"I hate to ask a favour after only just making your acquaintance but I need you to stay here for the foreseeable future."
"Wait what ?"
"You're .. ok with it ?"
"Yes. If it will allow you to get Arvin out then I will do it."
"Who said I was getting Arvin out. I can't. I hate the king almost as much as he does but I cant defy him."
She looked at him in shock.
"Why ?"
"It is difficult."
"What could be worth them torturing an innocent man ? Come on Cervas, tell me."
He sat down and began explaining.

The nightmares never stopped. Not for Arvin. When he was asleep they haunted him with an unnatural perseverance and when he awoke every morning they pursued him doggedly. The only distraction he had was the daily torture. Every day the King and a few of his men came to his cell and every day they took something else. It was hard to tell wether they were torturing him for the hell of it or wether they were studying the Vampire physiology. Either way whilst anything they had done physically would heal within a matter of hours the phsycological damage being dealt was ripping him apart. On the fifth day the King came to see him.
"Hello Arvin."
No answer.
"I've got a question for you."
No answer.
"Will you or will you not serve me loyally, without question ?
"Yes. My lord."

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