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The Voidskulker observed the two from the keeps rafters. He put a bolt in his crossbow and leveled it at the males head. He considered ending his life but decided against it. They were a useful well of information and they hadn't ran dry yet.

They walked out of the keep and made their way towards Mournvars exit. Arvin had his hand resting on his sword hilt. He expected to be attacked by the Barons men. No attack came. They followed the Salaver road for five or six days until they came to a cart that had been ransacked and tipped over.
"Huh. That is disconcerting."
"What makes you say that ?"
Nora looked at him incredulously.
"You didnt notice the giant blood splatter across the road or the fact that the cart is meters away from said splatter ?"
"Well now that you mention it."
Arvin walked over to the cart and knelt by a box that had spilt its contents all over the ground. A note was by the box. Arvin picked it up and read it.
"The kings son is a most important cargo. Any damage that the prince harbors upon arrival will be deducted from youre delivery fee.
Signed: Commander Roolen, kings guard."
Arvin scowled and threw the letter away. He didnt want to help the king, he was planning killing him anyway. But his son was by all accounts, an amicable person. He got up and walked round the cart. He turned to Nora with a pained expression on his face.
"Nora. Were going to go and save the kings son."
"Ok. Why do you look like you really need to shit ?"
Arvin laughed and turned around to walk away when a sudden agony struck and he fell to his knees. His head felt like he just been hit by a warhammer. Nora grabbed him and shook him. She was yelling at him but her words just merged into one long stream of noise. His eyes flared and blurred. He felt something cold press to his lips and warm liquid gushing down his throat. He felt instantly better. His senses begun to return to him and he heard Nora panting. He looked up and saw that she was holding her wrist.
"Im sorry I didnt mean to I ..... "
She looked at him and held up her wrist.
"This. This wasnt you. Moron."
Arvin looked at her and she grinned. She got up and went over to the cart and wrapped some cloth round her wrist.
"Dont we heal ?"
"Yeah. But youre the only one that can heal almost instantly. Ive never heard of another vampire that could do that. Except Him."
"Him who ?"
"Oh dont worry about it. Its just a legend. An old wives tail."
Arvin frowned and stood up.
"Ok. Anyway next time were in a city we should get some glass vials and waist pouches."
"Sir yes sir." Nora said with a mock salute.

They followed the blood trail towards a cave and dicovered a bandit hideout.
"I dont get it. The cart made it seem like their was at least one vampire."
Arvin laughed quietly.
"Hah. Guess your deduction skills arent as impressive as you thought they were."
Nora turned and hit him. They both perched on a ledge in the cave above the bandit camp. Arvin spotted the prince bound to a post on the highest point in the cave. He pointed him out to Nora who dropped from the ledge into a small bush. One of the bandits heard the disturbance and made his way over. He didnt get far as Nora blurred out of the bush and slid her knife into his throat. His eyes widened as he scrabbled at his throat. Nora laid him on the ground silently as to avoid drawing the other bandits attention. Avrin noticed one of them walking towards the ledge above Nora. He readied an arrow and sent it hurtling towards him and it buried itself in his forehead. He toppled over and fell down the ledge. Nora noticed and rushed forward and caught him. She looked up and scowled at him. A few miutes later they had cleared the cave and Nora was walking up to the prince. Arvin felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see a man with bright red eyes staring at him. He had just enough time to curse before he was hurled through the air and rolled to a stop just in front of Nora.
"What happened to you ?"
Arvin pushed himself up and glared at her.
"Oh i just thought i would just throw my self of the ledge." He replied sarcastically as he turned and fired an arrow at the vampire that threw him. It flew through the air and struck the vampire in the right shoulder. He staggered and fell to one knee. Nora turned and settled into a combat stance whilst pulling out her knives and Arvin pulled out one of his dual swords. They faced the Vampire as he stood up and his eyes flared.

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