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Arvin woke with a start. He looked around and saw only darkness. He stood and reached for his sword only to discover that it wasnt there. He heard a low growl and his head whipped round. Two orange orbs glowed from the darkness. Arvin looked at them and a glint caught his eye as a scythe arced through the air and sliced into his chest. He fell to his knees and coughed up a glob of thick black blood. He looked up to see the orange orbs staring at him. A massive gray hand reached down and grabbed his head. Arvin heard his neck snap.

He awoke to see Nora looking at him with a concerned expression and Erlas fussing over Orvar. He sat up and immediately came close to vomiting.
"What happened ?"
Arvin looked at her and shrugged.
"I dont know. The bandits were about to get in and then this thing walked out and just started killing them all."
Erlas stiffened and looked at him.
"What weapon did it use ?"
Arvin looked at him in confusion.
"A scythe."
Erlas went white and gasped. Nora's eyes flared and she slammed him into
The wall.
"What is it ?" She growled.
"It is an avatar of death himself. The disciples decided that the chapel needed some sort of defence. I tried to warn them that an avatar of such a deity would not be controled. But they didnt listen."
Nora glared and dropped him. He slid down the wall rubbed his neck. He loooked at Arvin.
"What did you see whilst you were unconscious. Was it a black empty nothingness with two floating orange orbs ?"
"Yes. The empty space was suffocating and these two orbs were just hanging there. Then this scythe impaled me and That thing crushed my head lile it was an egg."
Arvin jumped at a knock at the door. Erlas went over and opened it a little. A disciple of death stood there with a smile on his face.
"You wouldnt happen to have someone you shouldnt in there would you Erlas ?"
Erlas looked at him and chuckled.
"Nope. No one. Just doing some research.
"Oh. Thats funny. Because you see, ive heard that the kings son is in there. And. Well. You know how much we want to claim his soul."
The priests eyes began to glow with a fiery orange colour and his robe began to stretch and rip revealing plate armour. He held his right hand out and a scythe materialised. Erlas looked up at the colossus and whimpered. Arvin shot forward and shoved his sword into its chest whilst pushing Erlas aside, recieving a massive fist to the face for the trouble. He smashed through the chapels wall and collided with a tree. He pushed himself up to one knee and scrambled away as the creature swung the scythe into the floor. He pulled out his crossbow and loaded it. He brought it up to his shoulder and aimed at the creatures neck. Its hand shot out and grabbed him by the crossbow. Arvin looked at him and gave a half smile as he was swung round and smashed into a tree. He slid down it and winced with every breath. Two knives slid into the avatars arm and its head whipped round to see Nora standing there with a sly grin and two knives in her hands. She began to walk towards the avatar and her eyes flooded red. It rushed forward and swung the scythe towards her neck. Nora brought her knives up and caught the point of the scythe, the scythe began to shake and Nora began to slide backwards. She looked up at the thing and attempted to adjust footing but the scythe forced her knives apart and buried itself in her chest. She grunted and vomitted a stream of blood so thick that it hung from her mouth in strands. The avatars arms began to tense and it lifyed the scythe slowly. Nora began to lift with the scythe. It looked at her and a small sound ecaped its mouth, almost like a laugh and it spun the scythe and smashed Nora into the ground. Its eye flashed and the scythe exploded. Arvin looked on in horror as his friend, the only person who had helped him attempt to come to terms with what he was, was smashed into the ground and hurt by that thing and willed for his body to move but he just sat there. He willed for that rage that he despised to take him over just do he could save her. He willed for something, anything that would allow him to save her. The world began to slow and someone walked and knelt in fron of him. He saw himself smiling at him.
" hello Arvin. Its time we had a talk."

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