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The vampire got up and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder.
"Hah. You think that will put me down? I am a vampire you shithead. An arrow wont kill me."
Arvin looked at him and grinned.
"Oh youre a vampire. Thats so cool. Do you want to know something about us. We're vampires to." He said as his eyes flooded red. The bandits cocky grin fell from his face. Arvin blurred forward and swung his sword towards the vampires neck. He ducked under it and Arvin brought his knee up and smashed it into his chin. The vampires eyes glazed over and then they flared again. He surged upwards and grabbed Arvin by the neck. He slammed him into the floor and punched him in the face. Arvin was shocked by the bandits brutality and a thought struck him. Was this bandit going through the rage that he went through ? Nora smashed into the bandit and caught him with a left hook. She pulled out one of her knives and slid it into his chest. As he fell she grabbed him and headbutted him and kept punching him. His eyes sharpened and he tried to punch her but she slid to the right whilst shooting out her right hand into his neck. His eyes closed and he went limp. She let go of him and he fell to the floor. Arvin got up and rubbed his neck.
"Are you alright ?" Nora asked as she walked over and helped him up.
"Yeah. I think so. Was he enraged ?"
"No. He was just street smart."
A low rumbling sound caught their attention and they turned. The bandit was stood up and his eyes were glowing. He shot forward and smashed his fist into Noras face. She slid backward and he grabbed her throat. Arvin launched forward and shoved his sword through the bandits head. The bandit let go of Nora and fell to his knees. Arvin stalked forward and started slip into a fierce rage. He pulled the sword out of the bandits head and straddled him. He started punching the bandit over and over and over. He pulled himself back and got up. The bandits face was a swollen mess. Arvin looked at him and scowled. He levelled the sword at his throat and brought it down, severing his head from his body. He walked over to Nora and helped her up. They walked over to the prince and knelt in front of him. He was unconscious and bleeding from a blow to his head.
"We cant stay here. More bandits will show up sooner or later."
"Do you think we could get that cart working again ?" Asked Nora.
"It was in perfect working order but we'd need a horse."
At that moment a startled whine echoed around the cave. They whirled to see a horse tied to a post. They lokked at each other and grinned.

The prince woke with a start. His head throbbed and he almost threw up. He looked to the left and saw a young girl with white hair sat on the side of the cart.
"Oh you're awake. We were begining to wonder."
"Who are you ?"
"Im Nora and the grumpy fellow driving the cart is Arvin."
"Im not grumpy. Im just focusing on the road."
The prince tried to sit up and a wave of nausea crashed over him and he fell back down.
"Hey. Take it easy. You took a nasty blow to the head. Whats your name ?"
"My name is Orvar. Im king Alvrons son."
"Ok. You remember who you are then."
Orvar looked up as his vision began to dim. He slipped into unconsciousness.

Arvin looked over at the prince. The wound on his head had started to bleed again. He pulled the carriage over and hopped of. He walked round to the back and clambered on. Orvars bandage was turning a deep red. He pulled out one of the elixirs that he had taken from the bandit cave. He poured the bottles content down Orvars throat. The bleeding began to stop and Arvin replced his bandages. Nora threw him a worried look.
"We may have to stop in a village and get a healer. Are there any churches around here ?"
"Theres a church of Vlakevix just up the road a ways."
"Whats he the god of ?"
"Death and destruction. But theres a bust of each god as well as a disciple there so we should be able to get the prince here fixed up."
"Your an asshole. You know that right."
Arvin looked up at her and grinned.
"I'd heard the rumour."

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