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The fort stood, shrouded in shadow like an ominous Titan. Arvin stood at its gates with his eyes closed as he focused the rage that was almost as familiar to him as breathing. His rage was aimed at whoever had lodged that sword in Cervas' s chest. Without warning he darted at the wall and straight up it. The guards at the top both looked at him in shock as his knife glinted in the moonlight and opened their necks. A spear shot towards him. He stepped to the side and put his hand out as the spear slid into it. With a single motion the spear was pointed back at the thrower and was flying back at him. He wasted no time in dropping to the courtyard and dispatching the five guards stationed there. A moment later he was walking through the door into the great hall. The two guards at the door looked at him in stunned silence as he walked in. He punched one in the throat and jammed an arrow in the others eye.
"Oooooooooooooh. Very violent. I especially like how you killed them with no regard for their family life. What if I told you that the one on the rights wife had just given birth and the other was only here so that we have his dying mother looked after by our healers."
He looked round ahead and saw a large man in a hooded red and black robes with a metal mask moulded into the shape of a grinning skull.
"I would say you were lying."
"Well you arent wrong."
Arvin blurred across the room and thrust a sword towards the mans throat. The blade stuck and began to glow orange as if it was melting. He looked at it in stunned silence as the man held the blade in his right hand and stood up.
"Interesting what happens to steel when-"
He got no further before a dagger slid into his throat.
"Interesting what happens to a person when a knife is in their throat."

Two hours later he was walking back up the dirt path to the house and was pondering how the guy had melted his sword. It was most likely a form of magic although most magic that he had seen had been summoning.
He walked into the house and saw Cervas and Nora stiring at the table with a coffee each.
His eyes widened as he was sent flying out of the door. He rolled to a stop and looked back at the door. Nora stood there with a grin.
"There we go. All feelings of anger gone."
She turned back and sat back at the table.
"Well alright then."
He got up and walked back in.
"Hey Cervas. How you feeling."
"Pretty crappy."
"Yeah that happens."
"Yes it does."
They whirled and saw the white haired man stood in the doorway. Nora darted forward before anyone could react and thrust a knife towards his throat but he moved even quicker. He was in the room and slamming Nora on table and kicking Cervas into the wall. Arvin grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him of Nora. The man turned and launched a fist towards his face and he stepped to the side.
"You gonna give us a name ?"
The man stared and smiled.
Arvin sighed and lunged forward, his hands grabbing Varows throat. He pushed the advantage and slammed him into the wall. Varow gasped as he hit the wall and he began slamming fists and knees and elbows into him. Arvins eyes widened as Varows flooded with red and black. The hesitation allowed Varow to get a hold on the collar his shirt and lift him of the ground. Varow dropped him and punched him square in the face, sending his head smashing into the concrete.

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