When the two arrived they stepped inside the large and wide building "ah, I expected to see you two today" the two teens turn around seeing a tan woman in Egyptian clothing "who are you?" Tea asked and the woman turned around "follow me if you wish to know about your past" Yami looks at Tea who looks back before nodding to each other following the strange woman. The woman had led them into a room that held large stones "these stones contain the stories of thousands of years ago. You..." The woman directed towards Yami with a stern look before pointing to a large stone tablet "are the great pharaoh that ruled 5,000 years ago" the woman said. Yami and Tea's eyes widen but Yami noticed a person beside the person that looked like him "who is that woman standing there?" Yami asked and the woman gave off a breathy laugh "that, my Pharaoh, is your wife: (Name) (last)." Yami's jaw dropped.

"She's my what?! I'm a what?!"

"She's your wife. You're a Pharaoh."

The woman said. Tea, feeling curious, asked "h-how did they meet?" The woman only shook her head "I'm not sure. All I know is that she was just a commoner with amazing spirit" when the woman smiled Yami did too but then gasped in shock "so you're telling me that (name), the one at the hospital, is (name) from 5,000 years ago?" The woman's eyes widen "HOSPITAL?! WHICH ONE? IS SHE OK?!" The woman freaked out and Yami nodded his head "she's fine" he simply said and causing the woman to sigh in relief "that's good. What hospital?" "the the downtown" the woman nodded her head "always watching out for your wife, even when you don't mean to. You are indeed the Pharaoh" the woman smiled. Yami looked at the stone tablet-

"Ok, open your eyes."

------- removed his hands and (name) opened her eyes as they soon widen seeing (f/flower) flowers hanging from the wall as other colored flowers that complimented the (f/flower)s entangled their selves with each other. The sun that was covered by a mud wall gave the flowers a bit of a misty effect making the scene more enchanting.

Yami gripped his shirt "you had a memory" the Egyptain woman stated and Yami nodded his head "yes" he answered and the woman smiled "even after 5,000 years you still love her. That's amazing" the woman said and Yami just shrugged "now to remember how we used to be" the woman nodded and Tea smiled. She was envious of this woman named (name) but knew that (name) was Yami's wife. Not her. So she had to accept


Please keep in mid that I haven't seen Yugioh DM in like....4-5 years so everything will be off. Also I'm sorry if it seems like I rushed this one. My nerves have been crazy today and it really messed with the mood so I'm sorry. I'll do a better chapter later to make it up.

Tomorrow I have to go to the Hmong New Years. Oh boy! I'll show you a picture of my outfit tomorrow. Until then, good night!

Oh and guess what?!

I got myself a boyfriend!!

I meant to tell you guys this earlier but forgot so Ima saying it here.

My boyfriend is so precious, I swear, I don't deserve him.

He's understanding, he likes anime and kpop (that's a bonus), he is open to opinions, he's so soft, he's a perfect boyfriend and I love him more than I love you guys!

JK! I love you all and my boyfriend equally!

Marik: YAY!

Except you.

Bakura: HA!

And you.

Pegasus: *chuckles*

You too.

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