Untitled Part 1

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Notes; (The playlist for this fiction is given in description)

Yoongi sighed.

Another uneventful day in the life of Min Yoongi, the not so great.

He couldn't pin where he went wrong when the whole of his life had just been so wrong. Depression had been an early friend, presenting itself when he didn't even know what a mental illness was. So he spent his late teens just thinking there was something wrong with him, something that couldn't be explained, something that others didn't have to go through, but he did for some reason. Or was there a reason at all in the first place? A god? A holy entity?

He had never been great at studies. He supposed he could get decent grades if he tried hard enough but what was the point? They were all going to die anyway. He heard of a boy who died of meningitis in the next class because his family didn't think headaches were worth going to a doctor for.

Well, his grades were certainly not helping him now.

Others distanced themselves from him in the school. He wasn't fond of fighting but he wasn't exactly a pushover. And when a bully or two tried to have fun with him once, it didn't end up as they had expected. The pale little boy who said nothing to anybody had turned out to be a little...crazy. He had heard the whispering a dozen times, across the hall, in the bathrooms, in the middle of a class.

They had grown afraid of him.

And a part of him was glad for that. But there was another part that wasn't. A part that craved care and company, especially when he was at his lowest, lying down alone on the roof, while his parents grumbled how he was good for nothing. It was true, he was good for nothing. But it wouldn't hurt them to ask him what was wrong once in a while. To extend support when he surprisingly won a musical contest or gained an extra credit because of an original track performed in music class.

He couldn't pin where he went wrong today either.

Today, when he was 23 years old and still struggling as a producer, still trying to make the two ends meet and afford simple luxuries like a lunch in a nice place or the presence of a friend.

That wasn't true, he told himself. He had friends.

His co producer, for example, Kim Namjoon. He was definitely a borderline...friend, wasn't he?

Namjoon was much like himself, talented at what he did but his family was well off and understanding. He knew he was going to leave the company they worked for sooner or later and as the only son of his family, take his father's seat as the CEO of the company. He kind of dreaded that day. He wasn't the one to get attached very fast but he would like it if Namjoon hung around for a while longer.



Blinking furiously, he looked up. It was raining while the weather broadcast had clearly predicted a clear sky for a whole week.

So, he couldn't even despair in peace now?

He felt his agitation grow as the rain drops fastened their pace as if determined to remind him who the boss was. Grumbling under his breath, he took a few steps forward to cross the road, his vision blurring a little now.

He blinked.

It all happened in a matter of mili seconds. A car from the other side of the road pointedly ignoring the red lights, ran up, aiming straight for his body as he watched, frozen by fear, a certain ringing deafening his ears.

There was a crash and immediate pain followed.

Was that how he went? Well, that wasn't so bad. And he wouldn't even have to pay the rent this month! Come to think of it, he wouldn't be able to own that nice penthouse he had his eyes on as a kid either but...

"Hey, hey!"

A squeaky voice.

He had often imagined God's voice in his head. Whenever it rained, he had thought the thunder would be what God must use as a voice, deep and meaningful and frankly, quite scary. If he existed of course, but who was he to judge if God had a different preference...?

"Open your eyes, dammit!"

The voice again.

His eyes flew open as his senses returned, his body aching at various places he wasn't able to narrow down to, yet. He was at the sidewalk of the same desolate road he had been crossing.

"I'm alive?", he said bitterly, making attempt to get up.

That was when some kind of human form came in focus.

"Yes, yes, you're alive", he said, a blonde boy who looked quite young, wearing some sort of white silk clothes thingy he had never seen anyone sport. Was that a new kind of fashion among kids these days? No wonder they called him grandpa.

With a little attention, he noticed the amazingly sharp features of the boy. The evenly dragged eyes, smartly ending nose and puffy doll lips with a razor sharp jawline to top it off. He almost looked like a model.

"Don't you need to get up? I'm getting cold!", he exclaimed in the same squeaky voice.

"Oh right, I should, ow, get up, ow", he said, gathering all his strength and getting up while the pain hit him at different points of his body again. He wished he could just stay still all the time but even more so now that his elbow was bleeding slightly and his knees were probably bruised.

The rain had miraculously stopped, he noticed, although the road was still wet.

"Who are you?", Yoongi asked, realizing that was what most people would have normally inquired after a stranger helped them, instead of spending five minutes laying on a cold wet road, ferociously hoping they were dead.

The boy scoffed.

"Finally, you asked. I'm Jimin."

He extended his hand. Yoongi wasn't a fan of unnecessary skinship but he figured a handshake wasn't too big a deal for someone who had just saved his life although he would have preferred otherwise.

"And I'm a fairy!", he added happily when Yoongi withdrew his hand after shaking it briefly.

"You're a what?", Yoongi spluttered, his eyes finally falling to the small wings attached to the boy's back. They seemed to be made of...small glowing feathers, not too bright to be seen from afar but glimmering a little in the dim streetlight. His brain did a double take.

Once again in life, he couldn't pin where he went wrong. 

(You can find me on archiveofourown too where more of the fic has been published right here;


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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