Chapter four

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Natsu: MY TURN!
Me: yes, yes it is. Let's start!


The drive home was silent. I looked at my dad, Igneel, through the rear mirror and watch his furrowed eyebrows, his crinkled forehead and his stern expression. My step-sister stares out the window, watching the sky roll by. It's been hard on him since she died...

Igneel had me when he was only eighteen, but my mother died in childbirth, or so he said. He later remarried to a woman named Grandine, giving me my step-sister, Wendy, but she died during childbirth too, only the child didn't make it. I think it's taking a toll on my dad, more than he'd like too.

We pass the blond girl from earlier on the way home. What was her name? Lupee? Luigi? Lucy! That's it! There was something odd about her. My eyes follow her as we come to a stop to let a car pass. She's the only girl, whom I've made an advance on, who rejected me. Was she playing hard to get? Or is she generally the only girl who doesn't want me? Nah! Look at me! Everyone wants me. (Me: I don't! | Natsu: my feelings....T.T | Mira: Lucy does though! | Lucy: O///O)

We pull up into the driveway and we all climb out.
"Onee-chan! Can you carry my bag!" Wendy says. I take her bag from her and sling it over my shoulder. Almost instantly she trips over. I stifle a laugh and help her up.
"Come on! Hurry up!" Dad calls as he opens the front door and walks in. Wendy and I look at each other, sigh, and follow him.

Our house wasn't anything special, the front door lead to a small opening room, with a brown carpet and a pink-cream wall. The stairs were to the right and the living room was to the left. The living room had white walls and black/dark grey carpet. The living room soon gave way to the kitchen, with grey tiles and a red walls, and then a bathroom, with grey tiles and cerulean walls. I head up the stairs and into my room, which was black walled and red carpeted. My bed had a simple red design on with a few yellow flames. I throw my bag, and Wendy's, beside the bed and fall down on it. I hear a purr in my ear and smile.

I turn my face to the side just in time to have a blue face nudged against mine.
"Hey buddy." I say petting the cat's head. The cat, whose name was Happy, meows affectionately. We found Happy sitting in our garden in what seemed like the bottom of an egg shell and a green piece of cloth tied around him. A name tag was left beside him, stating his name, as well as a fresh fish. As well as being adorable, he was naturally blue, we found that out after washing him for three hours straight, which made us want to keep him. We'd talked to the police and no one had reported him missing, so we've kept him ever since.

I sit up and check for homework, then realise that I can't be bothered to do any and fall back down. Happy climbs onto my chest, curls up and soon falls asleep. My mind drifts back to Lucy and how she showed me up earlier. There was something important about her, I remember Erza saying it to me. What was it? What was it!? Oh, she's blind! (Me: wrong story Natsu.... | Natsu: I tried!) maybe that's why she rejected me! Because she can't see what I look like!

No that's not it...

I close my eyes and, against my will, picture her. Why did you have to leave? I feel a tear come to my eye and shake it away, opening my eyes again. Happy, disturbed from his sleep, looks at me intently. I grin at him and let his head before he falls asleep again.

'The 'happiest' people are the most experienced in putting on a fake show'


Natsu: ooooooH O.o
Mira: heheh...Lucy wants Natsu.....
Lucy: o//_//o
Natsu: 😏
Me:......anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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