Rank... (Part 1)

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Seishi P. O. V.

Since that day in the park naruto and I have grown inseparable.  If you see Naruto then I'm not to far away.

I'm going to take my rank test today. So I woke up with naruto as per usual.  We had already set up my room but in don't really sleep in it.

We always sleep together in either my room or his,  it doesn't matter.

As soon as I woke up curled around Naruto. I smiled and kissed his forehead then went to make breakfast.

I had learned if Naruto's ramen obsession early on and had taken over the kitchen duties.

I made some eggs and bacon with toast and orange juice then went to get Naru.

When I walked into his room I saw him sprawled out half on half off the bed and he was snoring.

I smiled at my best friend before I went and jumped on his bed.


Naruto shot up form his sleep and hit the ceiling before coming back down.

"Itai!  Why Sei-chan why!?!" he smiled while rubbing his head.

I laughed and kissed his swollen head then said "Cause I need you to wake up,  I made breakfast and we're going to see my rank today.  Now let's go before the food gets cold." with that said I skipped out of his room leaving him grumbling about how mean I am to him.

I laughed before I made it back to the kitchen as soon as I sat down Naruto was coming in rubbing his eyes sleepily.

He sat down and we in unison said "ITADAKIMASU!"

When we finished Naruto said "Thanks Sei-chan!" before scampering to his room to change.

I ran to my room as well and put on a simple red kimono with black spandex shorts underneath that I could move in and some ninja sandles.

When Naru came back we left to see the Hokage.

As we were walking through the village the people glared and whispered but we ignored them.

They had grown used to seeing us together and soon started treating me as they did Naruro... Minus the attacks cause they know what I will do,  and I would never let someone hurt my Naru.

As soon as we walked in the reception lady glared at us.  We ignored her and went straight to the old man's office.


I sighed but smiled anyways. "Hello Hokage-sama." I said calmly.

The Hokage smiled at us both and said "Hello Seishi, Naruto.  It is good to see you,  and yes you rank test will start in a few minutes. We just have to wait for a few people."

No sooner had he finished speaking when three people walked in.

One was a man who was smoking, he had dark brown hair,  and brown eyes.

Next was a woman,  she had black hair and stunning red eyes.

Then there was a green man with humongous eyebrows and a bright smile. As if his bowl cut wasn't enough...

Lastly was a silver haired lazy looking guy, he had one of his eyes cover and was wearing a mask. He was looking at me with no expression at all and had his hands in his pockets.  He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Hokage-sama, why are we here?"asked the red-eyed woman.

The Hokage took a drag of his pipe and spoke "you are all here to help me test Seishi's rank. Asuma you will test her weaponry,  Kurenai you will test her genjutsu, Gai you will test her taijutsu, and Kakashi you will test her ninjustsu."

There was silence before Kurenai took a step forward. "Lord Hokage,  if I may." she went on after he nodded. "She's just a child,  are you positive we need to d on this?" she said sounding worried.

"I am sure,  now let's start. Asuma?" the Hokage said.

Ashma put out his cigar and took out two blades.

After he got in his stance he looked at me.

"Go stand by the Hokage Naru." I said,  gently pushing him in said man's direction.

When he was safe by the Hokage's side I turned to face Asuma.

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