mr.honoret; edwin h

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"y/n, mr.honoret would like to see you in his office" austin mumbled out while tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. his eyes held dark circles around them due to lack of sleep paired with excessive overtime.

"what does he want now" you huffed under your breath causing austin to nod knowingly. usually everything ran smoothly down at the office but it seemed today edwin was on his man period, he was genuinely angry about everything and that was something that upset you the most.

once you reached his wooden door you let your hands drag across the material before lightly pushing it open only to be faced with the man himself. stacks of paper piled up on his desk as he continued to run his fingers through his hair in attempt to calm himself.

"you're 5 minutes late" he said loud enough for the people in the hall to hear. shrugging, you walked into the room letting your eyes roam his aura. his tuxedo fit nicely and blended o' too well with his freshly cut hair. he room smelt of a mixture of cologne and coffee which clashed when they mixed.

"okay and?" normally you weren't this blunt about addressing edwin but something about his character today didn't sit right with you. his wasn't the edwin that you knew.

"excuse me?" he asked looking up at you taking the time to drag his eyes across the features of your body. grazing the fitting of your shirt that hugged your hips too nicely along with the shirt that let off a little cleavage to keep those on the outside wondering.

"brandon got here a whole thirty minutes later then his shift started and your getting on me for five minutes? im not understanding" edwins jaw clenched before his fist began to bawl. furrowing his eyebrows, edwin stood from his chair looking directly in your direction.

"close the door" he mumbled out through gritted teeth. suddenly you felt small again. his intimidating gaze followed you while you invited toward the door dreading to close it.

"i don't think you understand my position" he whispered heavily while pointing to the area in the middle of his office. taking the hint, you moved where he directed trying not to provoke too much trouble. he began circling your body taking the time to admire everything about you mentally.

"you do what i say exactly when i say, understand?" he questioned while letting his hands began to brush the sides of your arms lightly. shivers ran down your spine at the feeling of him being this close, his cologne choking up your senses. deciding to nod you stood there waiting for him to let you go.

"i can't hear you" he pushed standing directly in front of you. your breath hitched at the feeling of his hands tracing the outline of your body.

"yes sir" a deep chuckle escaped his lips before he removed his hands from off of you. the tension grew thick as for you held your tongue. saying something out of line could not only cost you your job but it could also cost you something way more physically felt.

"you don't sound so brave now, what happened?" how were you supposed to explain to him that everything that he did made you weak at the knees? everything he said made you rethink your position at this job because of the fact that there was stories that went around.

"i get that you think just because we have this thing going on that you can talk to me any way but you're wrong." he stepped closer to you causing his lips to brush against your own. your body tensed while his heat invaded yours causing the ultimate amount of warmth to be let off.

"we are not in bed, we are in my office. and in my office i expect respect" he whispered causing his hot breath to fan of your face along with his lips constantly brushing your own. his hand traveled up to hold your face in the palm causing him to sigh at the contact. though he felt your skin every other night it never seemed to stick with him. whenever he felt you he still felt the butterflies in his stomach, he was too in love with it. a silence passed by before edwin spoke up again.

"i just can't get enough of you, huh?" his lips pressed down onto yours softly allowing your lips to adjust to his pace which happened to be desperately slow. your eyes fluttered shut at the sudden action while his hands circled around your waist pulling you closer to him so that your body's were pressed against each other's.

"not here" you mumbled out trying not to get him excited at work. last time you allowed that to happen he edged you to the bare maximum, until your body was shaking and tears where leaving your eyes. though it was a fun experience you wouldn't want to witness that again.

"no, ive been waiting all day for you" he said through kisses. his mood change was way to sudden to be real. his lips dragged down the base of your neck planting wet kisses before locating your sweet spot and sucking on it softly.

"edwin.." you called out trying to prevent yourself from falling into his trap. edwin knew what he wanted and he wouldn't stop until he got it and that was something you knew for a fact.

"baby shh" his lips detached from the skin on your neck before placing a kiss on your lips again. his hands began to play with the hem of your skirt before a knock at the door was heard pulling the two of you apart. edwin cursed at himself looking down at his pants mentally regretting even calling you into the room. going back behind his desk, edwin sat there patiently waiting for austin to barge in like he always did.

"mr. honoret your papers are ready" austin said swinging the door open catching you by surprise.

"y/n we will finish this conversation later "


y'all, i wanna do a imagine where one of the boys is a tutor

and one where he's mute (doesn't/can't speak)

then one where they are in high school

but i need more ideas !! comment some please

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