he finds out your pregnant

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(a/n my beautiful bronze baby in the media, he's so stunning)

"so remember three months ago? when you threw me that surprise party?" brandon nodded his head timidly hoping for the best. how could he not be worried when you call him into the living room to 'have a talk'. his heart was beating against his chest so hard once he saw you intertwine your fingers together, something you only did when you were nervous about something. brandon would know because he made sure to concentrate on the little things you did. "well um- " before you could finish your sentence brandon held his hand up halting your voice. "are you breaking up with me?" your eyes went wide shaking your head rapidly repeating the word no over and over again. a sigh of relief rushed over brandon's flushed face as he let his mind wonder about what it could be. "remember how after everyone left we um.. did you know what?"  brandon chuckled softly running his hands through his hair. "why are you being so awkward about it? you even said it was the best sex you've had in your life" he said with a smug smirk causing you to roll your eyes.  did he not take this seriously? well to answer your thought brandon was trying to lighten the mood because of your look of uneasiness and panic. he hated seeing you look bothered which automatically made his mission to make you laugh. "yeah you're right it was. but you know what you forgot?" brandon eyebrow raised shaking his head not directly answering the question. he hesitated on saying anything before he thought back to what he could've forgotten. maybe it was the remote or maybe he didn't do something right. "the condom" you said knowing that he wouldn't have figured it out if you wouldn't have gave it to him cold. brandon shrugged looking at you in your eyes. "okay, and? it's not like that was the first time we didn't use one. what's the problem?" you couldn't take it anymore, how was he not catching on to what you were giving him? you sighed loudly before feeling your heart beat fast. what if he leaves you? what if he doesn't want the baby? "brandon im pregnant"


"why can't we have regular sized pork? all week you've been feeding me minimized food" austin whined seeing you place the plate in front of him. furrowing your eyebrows you tilted your head in confusion. "so you don't like baby corn? or baby pork?" you asked causing the blonde to sigh loudly. "of course i like it babe it's just-" he paused thinking of the right words to sat before taking a deep breath in and twirling the hem of his shirt underneath the table. "i just would rather eat full sized pork and regular corn" nodding your head slowly you cane to the realization that austin wasn't catching on. all the nick jr shows you begged him to watch with you, the 'awing' when you walked pass toddlers followed by the need to walk into the baby aisle when ever you guys visited a store wasn't getting to his head. this hints were obvious to you, why was he so clueless? "austin, how do you feel about baby food?" you asked not exactly sure how you were going to get this through to him without dishing it out aggressively. he shrugged with a playful chuckle. "like i said, it's cute and all but i would rather have regular size food" bringing your hands together you bit your lip softly not taking your eyes off of him. "so how do you feel about babies?" you asked. austin furred his eyebrows still oblivious to the main point of the question. "they're cute?" he said more as a question rather than a statement. you let out a breath of air you didn't even know you were holding in before forcing a smile on your face. "how do you feel about me having a baby?" at this point you knew this was a three way road. he could either rudely bash you which you were sure he wouldn't,he could love and except you or he could walk out of your life forever,and that was a thought that scared you. "that would be the cutest sight" his smile grew wide at the thought of you carrying his child. he's been wanting to expand your little family for a while now, hence why he started ditching condoms because they 'felt weird'. even if he felt like that he still wanted to talk to you about having one so that he could get your consent he just hadn't got to that point yet. "how do you feel about me being pregnant?" austins eyes went wide as he stood up slowly to reach your height grabbing your hands in his own.


"y/n what is this?" edwin asked walking into the living room with furrowed eyebrows to state his confusion. shrugging , you didn't bother looking at what was spoke of still continuing to scroll through your phone. "no babe i seriously need you to look at me, i found this in the bathroom trash can " looking up at the bronze make your eyes went wide in shock. "it's a p-pregnancy test" you stuttered out because of the word still being so foreign to you. "wait why were you in the trash can?" edwin walked closer to you sitting the test on the couch beside him. "i was about to take the trash to the dump but this fell out. y/n are you cheating on me?" he bluntly asked not sure exactly how he was going to ask the question in a nicer way. you looked into edwins eyes genuinely upset at the fact that he would think you'd do such a thing. "what?! why would you think that!?"edwin raised an eyebrow analyzing your tone. "we use condoms every time and this test is positive. why the hell would the test be positive if ive never came in you?!" the fact that edwin knew how to read a pregnancy test didn't cross your mind as for he looked it up ten minutes previous to make sure his accusations were true. "condoms rip!" edwin face softened as he watch you shake your head looking at the ground guilt taking over your body for a reason unknown. "im not cheating on you im just pregnant ed- and it's yours"


"oh and congratulations- im so happy for you and y/n" your mom smiled knowing nick wouldn't be able to see it through the phone. nick randomly called her to check in with her, it was just something he did often for no reason exactly. "congratulations?" he asked confused about why she was so 'happy' for the two of you and why exactly she was congratulating the you guys. "yeah for the baby. i can't wait to see family photos of you all" nick raised his eyebrows with the newly found news. "the baby?"


"y/n im serious is there something you need to tell me? you just left the house without telling me where your going and you haven't been home since eight. it's nine forty five," zion rambled playing with his dreads out of habit. sighing over the phone you closed your eyes trying to come up with a scenario but failing horribly. "ill be home soon okay? don't wait up" you rush hearing zion suck his teeth loudly clearly annoyed. "where are you. this the second time you disappeared on me in the past week" you couldn't lie to him anymore, he was making his accusations up which didn't settle with you too well. "im at the doctors office" you mumbled. zion sighed in relief letting his heart race to slow. "you good? why you ain't just tell me? I could've went with you" you closed your eyes slightly preparing yourself for backlash. " I didn't ask you to come because i didn't want you to know im pregnant"

100k?!?!??!?!??!????!????!??????? WHAT OML THANK YALL SO MUCH

IM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU(including the silent readers).

in honor of 100k, im gonna be trying to update ALOT today, so look out 👀

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