Clothes, Clothes and more clothes!

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I looked down at the bag on the ground.

"But it’s on the ground," She wondered.

"Yeah, there is another 6 bags in the boot."

She stared at me with wide eyes.

"Tom went a bit crazy," I said answering her curious eyes.

"I can see that," She said walking out the door. "You stay here; you are not to carry anything else!"

2 minutes later, Mum and Tom walked in holding 3 bags each.

"You weren’t exaggerating, were you Bronte?" Mum huffed as she put down the bags.

"How much money did you spend?" She continued.

"Almost $400," I replied, sitting down on the lounge.

Mum brought over the 7 bags and opened them. We sat there for half an hour going through them. She commented on her favorites and set them aside. Once she had gone through all of them, she looked at me and Tom.

"I am very proud of you both."

"Why?" I asked.

"You have embraced this experience so much. I know you might only be 16 years old but you are so responsible for such a young age. You didn’t ask me for money, you used your own money and went and bought your daughter lots of clothes," Mum explained.

"We didn’t just buy clothes. We put a pram, cot and bassinet all on layby," Tom announced.

It looked like she started to tear up.

"I am so proud of you," Mum said again gesturing for both of us to give her a hug.

"Thanks Mum," I returned the hug and also gave her a kiss of the cheek.

We embraced the hug for a while and then eventually let go.

"We are going to get the others out of layby once we have Noah’s old room repainted and appropriate for a newborn," I suggested.

"Well, why don’t you ring up Aunty Lindsay and see if she can come over on the weekend to help you paint it?" She wondered.

"But she doesn’t even know I’m pregnant so that is going to be a bit awkward."

"It’s about time you told her!"

My Aunty Lindsay was a professional artist back in the day but she is always drawing and painting these days so maybe she will help me out.

Before I rang her I discussed with Tom what we should get painted on the walls. We came up with ideas such as animals and fairies but what if she doesn’t turn out to like animals or fairies. So we eventually decided to ask about just getting pink pastel colours on all the walls and then ‘Matilda Elise’ written in purple on the main wall and when she is born we can put framed photos on the other walls.

I picked up the phone and dialed her number.

"Hello," She answered.

"Aunty Lindsay its Bronte! How are you?" I asked. I thought I should start off lightly seen as though I haven’t spoken to her in a while.

"I’m great, how are you?" She questioned happily.

"I’m wonderful," I replied. "I wanted to ask you a massive favour?"

"Yeah, sure." She seemed curious.

"Well, this is probably going to come as a shock but I’m pregnant!" I paused. "And was wondering if you could paint the babies room for me?" I bit down on my lip so hard it almost drew blood.

"Um, wow!" She replied.

"Sorry, I didn’t tell you earlier. I have been still trying to process it myself."

"No, that’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting it, Haha. But of course I can paint the room. Boy or girl?" She asked.


"Oh, how exciting. Anything in particular you wanted done?"

"Yeah, well my boyfriend, Tom and I have been discussing and we were wondering if you could just paint the room in pink pastel colours and then in purple write ‘Matilda Elise’ on the main wall. Does that sound alright?" I explained.

"That sounds great. Matilda Elise is a beautiful name, good choice! When did you want me to do this?"

"Is the weekend okay or is it too short of notice?"

"Nope, that’s perfect. I’ll be over on Saturday about 10am. Cool?" She seemed as excited as me.

"Thank you so much." I pleaded.

"Oh and is it Tom, Tom! As in Tom Oliver? The guy that has been your best friend for like ever?" Aunty Lindsay wondered.

I laughed. "Yes it is."

"You didn’t tell me you two were going out! Is he the father?"

"Yeah, he is. It is an extremely long story but I will tell you on Saturday!"

"Okay, got to go but see you on Saturday. Bye!"

"Bye." I replied hanging up the phone.

I turned to Tom and gave him a big grin.

"It’s a done deal," I screamed so excited.


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