Chapter 1

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A/N hi. If your here for a Dramione story, don't worry, you will get what you want. The first few chapters are Romione, but that is because i'm slowly getting into the story, and Hermione and Draco have to fall for each other first duhhh.... SO here goes nothing!

A kiss landed on my cheek as i boarded the train. A small giggle was released as i kissed the redhead back on the cheek. A small smile suppressed my lips as Harry put his hand on my bad arm. The smile disappeared as i looked my best friend in the eyes.

"This year is going to great Hermione. I'm glad that you made us come," he laughed, bringing my sad face into a happy. As Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Luna and I sat down in our usual compartment, i saw a swift movement of blonde hair. I sucked in my breath, but was released when Ron put his arm around me. I looked up into his big blue eyes and my heart melted. He was just beautiful.

"Soo..." Ginny lead on. She started waving her hands as if to go on. She eyes trailed to Neville and Luna and Neville made an "ohh" noise. Luna smiled as Neville cleared his throat and we all look over at him.

"After this year, i'm going to get a degree in teaching at Pankvil Wizard Collage to become a Herbology Professor," he smiled brightly. I gasped as he said that and a smile spread across my face once more.

"Oh my god Neville! That's amazing!!" I squealed. Ron congratulated Neville and Harry gave the boy a hug. Our conversations continued, but my mind was far away. Far from Hogwarts. They trailed to Bellatrix. They trailed to Draco. They trialed to my screams and the pain. Oh the pain. My face scrunched up, and all of a sudden a shock went through my body. A small scream escaped my mouth and i jumped up. Everyone looked at me. Harry zeroed in on me and Ginny's eyes were wide with curiosity. Luna just looked normal and Neville looked concerned. Ron jumped up too and stood, grabbing my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but no noise came out. I also realized i was shaking.

"She is fine. Its the affects of the war. When someone is traumatized for so long, sometimes when they are most relaxed or feel most safe, their body or mind brings them back to past. When that happens the mind is scared so it sends a shock through the body to get them out. The mind just wants to be happy and alone. Hermione just wants to leave the past behind. You will get them from time to time," Luna explained. She acted as if this was something that happened everyday. Then i noticed her hand was slightly shaking and she looked at me. I flinched a little as fear rung through her eyes. She looked at me as if she was saying "help me". This must happen everyday. I walked over to Ginny and pushed her over so i could sit next to Luna. When i did, she put her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you..." she whispered.

I walked into Transfiguration Class, with my arm in Ron's. A new teacher stood at the front of the class, and Harry Ron and I sat in our usual seats. The Professor said nothing, but looked at all of us in disgust.

"I am Professor Cairns, your new Transfiguration teacher. Since your old Transfiguration teacher is now the Headmistress, she has hired me to be your teacher. She did try to continue being your teacher, but the ministry wouldn't allow her," Professor Cairns said. She looked straight at me, which made me flinch. Her eyes were hard and fierce. She was... in fact the new McGonagall. Her always straight face made her look super strict. Her cat-eyes scanned the room. There was a loud cough and her head spun towards the sound and the child shrunk in their seat.

"You will do as i say. You will obey the rules. I don't care if you were popular in your years , before, you will do as you are suspected," she growled. Her face softened as she continued,

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