Chapter 25 The Turning Point

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Jin's P.O.V.

The last kiss from the one you love can mean so many things, but for me it was the most painful touch I've ever felt. The sting was unbearable, and it continued to sit on my lips, reminding me of everything that I had lost.

"Goodbye, Jin."

Those words kept playing in my mind over and over again, like an old broken record, with no way to turn it off. And just like that record player, I was broken and the only person who could fix me had walked away.

Ember was everything I had ever wanted. She was perfection. The type of person you think only exist in a fictional world. But she wasn't fiction, she was real. I had felt her warmth in my arms, I had felt her love and I had seen her most beautiful face right in front of me. I had her, she was mine, but now, now I was alone. Her warmth no longer offered me comfort, her voice no longer spoke words of life into my soul. She was gone and emptiness consumed me. I felt....lifeless.

The days that followed felt like the word had come crashing down on me. The sun had faded into darkness and that became all I could see.

Everywhere I turned something reminded me of her. Her smiling face swimming through my mind, scenes of her in my embrace flashed through my thoughts constantly, refusing to allow me to forget her.

How are you supposed to pick up the shattered pieces of your soul when the person who completed you is gone? How do you continue to go on living?

"She's never coming back."
"You were never good enough for her."
"She left you."
"She's in his arms now."

I could hear the whispers in my mind and there was no silencing them as my agony continued to grow.

I would have given everything I owned if I could just have her back in my life. I would have given anything to have her back in my arms just one more time. I needed her. But, she didn't need me, and it was destroying me.


As I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at the picture I had on my dresser of the two of us, the rays of the sun slide through the blinds of my window and rested on my face, yet I couldn't feel the warmth.

"She's gone. She's never coming back. She's happier with him." I could hear the voice saying again.

The despair began to swell inside of me and I couldn't contain it anymore.

"No!" I shouted out as loud as I could, but there was no one to hear my cries.

"No! No!" I yelled as I stood from my bed and over towards my dresser. "No!" I yelled one last time as I pushed all of the photos off of the top of it onto the floor.

Tears flowed from my eyes and it felt like I couldn't breathe and my legs could no longer bare my weight anymore and I fell to my knees. A black hole was consuming me and there was no escape.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" I let out in between my sobs.

"Please. Please come back. Ember....please."

I crawled over to the broken frames and picked up the one that contained the picture of the two of us. Shattered glass still sitting in the frame, reminding me that the smiling faces really were broken. Or at least mine was.

I placed my hand on the spot of her, hoping for a moment that maybe, maybe, if I imaged hard enough I could see her smiling face again and feel the softness of her skin, but instead the sharp edge of the broken glass caused my finger to bleed.

I watched the drop of blood slide down my finger and fall onto a little white piece of paper on the ground that I didn't recognize.

I bent over and picked the paper and my heart stopped for a moment when I looked at it.

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