Chapter 17 Safe

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

I sat and watched the woman through the window of her brick home. Waiting for my moment.

The adrenaline started flow through my veins. I had become addicted to it like a drug. A new stage and a new performance, each one better than the one before. I hoped that one day when I found my Lilly, she would be proud of me and all the effort I had put into things. Everything I did, I did for her. Even if she wasn't with me, my life was still hers. Forever.

I had been watching this girl for weeks. Plotting and planning out my every flawless move and it was finally time to put it all into action.

I crept forward in the bushes that were outside of her house, below the bedroom window. She stood in the hall, the sunlight from the window shining through and casting her shadow on the wall behind her. This was it. My last shining moment.

I slowly opened the window, when I noticed a second shadow. A shadow I had not seen before.

"No. This isn't apart of the plan!" I said out of my frustration. "No one else is supposed to be here."

It had all been calculated. What could I possibly have missed?

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" The young woman yelled as the shadow moved closer to her.

Suddenly a strange man came into my view. He was not a person that I recognized.

"Eric. The name is Eric." The man said as he put a black cloth over her mouth.

She lost consciousness and fell to the floor. The man picked her seemingly lifeless body and brought her to his truck and started to drive away.

My stage had been ruined.
"How dare he mess with my plan. She could have been perfect." I mumbled under my breath.

My adrenaline was still pumping.
I felt my body move toward the direction the truck had gone in and followed them until we came to an old abandoned warehouse out past the woods.

Eric grabbed the girl out of his truck and brought her inside. I could hear her screams echo through the trees, yet they fell upon no ears but my own. For a moment my heart ached for her. I knew the screams of pain and fear, as I had once screamed them from own lungs. Yet, time and loneliness had a way of killing the soul.

"She's not my problem anymore. There is nothing I can do." I thought to myself and I began to walk away.

One last scream rang through the air, followed by the sound of a bullet flying from the killer, and I knew her life had ended.


Isn't it crazy how life and love can make you into a person you had promised you'd never become?

Her screams rang through my mind, replaying over and over again. The part of me that used to be, ached for her, but the part that was felt nothing.

I looked at my unchanged face in the mirror, time had not touched my physical appearance, but I didn't even recognize the person staring back at me. I searched my soul, but I couldn't find it. A single tear slid out of my eye and ran down my cheek.

My mind turned to Ember. When I was with her, a part of me that I have not known for a long time, came back to me. My life had begun to see color again, when all I had known was black and white for so long. What was it about her? I still don't know. She's not done a single thing to get me closer to my Lilly, but, when I'm with her, the thought of Lilly begins to fade.

"No. Don't you ever forget about her, Taehyung!" I yelled as if it would make a difference. "Ember is just a pawn in the grand scheme of things."

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