Chapter 2 Dad Jokes

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I woke up to warm rays of sunshine hitting my face.  I looked over at the double bell clock sitting on the nightstand to my right.   "11:13? What the fu- how did I sleep so late? I haven't slept that deep in a long time." I said as I sat up in the bed and sat there for a moment trying to completely wake up. 

"Well I better get dressed and see if there is anywhere to grab something to eat in this little town since I apparently missed breakfast."
I thought to myself as got up and made my way over to my suitcase to get changed. 

As I shuffled through my bag, I chose my cream colored shirt that had the most delicate pink flowers on it, ripped boyfriend jeans and threw on my black converse and grabbed that amazing old skeleton key and walked out of my room, locking the door behind me. 

"Good Morning, Ember!" That small hotel clerk exclaimed.  "How did you sleep? Well, I hope!"

"Oh yeah. I actually slept the best I have in a long time." I responded, still slightly dazed from my deep sleep, which was unusual for me as I had always been an early bird. 

"Great! So where are you headed to?"

"I was actually going to go look for somewhere to eat since I missed breakfast. Do you have any recommendations?" I asked. 

"Well I can't really recommend any place other than Joe's Diner down the road because it's the only place around town. They do have a pretty great burger though." the clerk responded cheerfully. 

"Joe's Diner.  Got it.  Thanks! By the way, what's your name? I like to think that since you know my name I should know yours."

"Oh, I like that thought. Sydney, my name is Sydney." She responded with a smile on her face. 

"Ok Sydney, thanks for the suggestion.  Better head out before I starve to death" I said in a joking tone. 

"Seeya!" Exclaimed Sydney is her almost obnoxiously cheery voice.

"My goodness, and people say I'm the one not from around these parts.  This girl is completely different from any of the other locals I've come across. She's just so dang happy all the time. I don't know how people can be like that." I thought to myself as I left the hotel lobby and walked through the spinning doors to the outdoors.  "Although I guess it is refreshing from time to time to see someone who is seemingly happy with life."

This little town sure was different during the day than it had been at night.  The streets had filled with the local townspeople, talking to each other as if everyone knew everything about everyone who lived here.  But still, the feeling that something wasn't quite right still sat in the pit of my stomach and made me slightly on edge and cautious of those around me. 

As I walked down the sidewalk of the town square I noticed some police cars flashing their lights down one of the side roads.  They were stopped in from of a private residence. "I always hate seeing things like that.  It never leads to anything good."


*ding ding* rang the sound of the bell as I opened the door of the diner.

"What do you want?" Asked a middle aged woman standing in front of me who appeared to be the waitress.

"What?" I said taken back by the tone of her voice which had obviously been apparent

"I mean, what do you want to eat? Which menu do you want to see; breakfast or lunch? Since it's Saturday we're still serving both right now."

"Oh." I said "I heard you guys have a pretty great burger.  I'll take one of those. Ketchup, mayo and onion. Hold everything else please."


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