Murder House

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Here is another chapter I hope you like it

Pairings: Terroriser x ShannonCipher and Moo Snuckel x Cookie(DaCookiegal)


"Wow this place is beautiful!" Says a girl with brown hair and brown eyes

"You said it Shannon!!" Says a girl with brown hair and brown eyes

These two girls were Shannon and Cookie. They just out of High School and they wanted a place to stay while they went to college and they had find house/Mansion that was very cheap for some reason. They looked around the house top to bottom and it was beautiful and their furniture was already moved in and they started unpacking smaller things like plates silverware glasses and other things as when they hear the door bell ring and Shannon answers it and it was two guys, one had blue eyes and dyed red hair and the other had dark hair and green eyes.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" Shannon asked

"Who is it?" Cookie asked

"I'm Brian Terror and this my roommate Brock Snuckel. We seen you girls moved into this house and we wanted to stop by and give you this pumpkin roll that Brock made from scratch." Brian says

Cookie came to the door and saw two handsome guys standing there.

"Why don't you two come in for a bit." Cookie says

"Oh I'm Shannon and this is my roommate Cookie!" Shannon says taking the Pumpkin roll to the kitchen

Brock sat down beside Cookie and when Shannon came back Brian was sitting by here.

"You are not from around are you girls?" Brock asked

"Well not this part of Georgia but we lived in Atlanta for awhile and then we got out of High School we had both some money save up for a house of our own for College." Shannon says as Brian wraps his arms around her

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Brian asked

"I do but why do you asked?" Shannon says

"Because this house is cursed place and you two girls shouldn't have moved in because your lives will be in danger because two killers had killed a bunch of kids that were in High School and then we shot and killed in this house by the police!" Brock says holding Cookie

"Don't scare with such nonsense!! There is no such thing as ghosts!" Cookie says

"I think it would be best if you and Brock would leave please my friend has a lot of problems with stuff like that." Shannon says

Like that Brian and Brock left their house. Shannon went into the kitchen to check on Cookie and see if she was alright.

"Cookie, are you okay?" Shannon asked

"I'm fine. It just seems odd that Brian and Brock would talk like that." Cookie says cutting a piece of the pumpkin roll

"Maybe they were trying to scare us?" Shannon says also cutting a piece of pumpkin roll

The girls got some milk and sat down at the kitchen table and ate the pumpkin roll. It was very good and Shannon puts it into fridge for tomorrow. Shannon yawns tiredly and tells Cookie that she was heading to bed. Cookie stayed up for bit after Shannon went to bed and then made her way upstairs to her new bedroom. As the girls slept, two figures watched over them and gently kissed them on the forehead....

~Weeks Later~

Brian and Brock came over and told them sorry for scaring the girls and that it was a joke since Halloween was around the corner and all. And from that moment on, Shannon and Cookie became friends with Them, Actually more than friends. But Brian and Brock had a huge secret that they were hiding from the girls. You see the pumpkin roll had something in it that caused them to die in their sleep but the guys kept that secret to themselves. The girls were giggling as Brian and Brock kisses their necks softly and saying sweet nothings into their eyes.

Terrorsnuckel/Other Pairings yaoi One shots & AU Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora