Sleep Grinding leads to sex Pt1

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Here is another chapter of my book!! Hope you like it!!

Pairing: TerrorKairiSnuckel


Shannon gets out of the shower after a long day of working, her boyfriends were still downstairs doing YouTube recordings with their friends! She crawl into bed, in just her black bra and light green panties, she covered up and went to sleep....

~Sometime Later~

Both Brian and Brock yawns, they had just got done editing their videos and decided to go to bed. They climbed the stairs and they open the door and see their Girlfriend with no covers on her and she was grinding the air, making moaning sounds and saying Brian and Brock's names!! Her boyfriends pants suddenly get really tight and uncomfortable! They Quietly close the bedroom door and turns on the laps and they start taking their clothes off and they got into the bed with their girl and started messing with her!! Brian takes her panties off and touches her womanhood making her grunt at the feeling and Brock takes her bra off and squeezed her breasts, making her scream!!

"Brock!! Brian!!" Shannon says as she opens her eyes and see her boyfriends there with smirks on their faces

"What are you doing??" Shannon asked

"You were grinding the air and so we thought we could help you with your problem~" The two say

Shannon doesn't say anything as Brian puts her in his lap and make her ride him and Brock was behind Shannon still playing with her breasts!! She blushes as Brian slaps her ass, making her whimper!! Brock bites Shannon's neck, making her scream out again!! Shannon keeps bouncing on Brian's cock until he cums inside of her, Brock gets Shannon off of Brian and he gently pushes her down on the bed and slides into her tight hole!!

"Brock, you're so big~" Shannon says Blushing bright red at this

"I know and you like it don't you baby girl~" Brock says

"Yes, I do big Daddy~" Shannon says as Brock started thrusting

Shannon squirms under Brock as he keeps thrusting until he finally cums inside of her and pulls!! The three were panting from the sex they just had!! The three clean themselves off and pulls the covers over their bodies and went to sleep.. Shannon wanted revenge for what her boyfriends did to her and she smiles evily as she fell asleep!!


I hope you guys like it!!!

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