Goosebumps AU

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Enneidra2​ asked about this, so here it is  and I hope you like it ✌✌✌


"Argh, why am I doing this again?" Brian says

You see Brian was double dog dare to check the old so called "Haunted house" down the street from his house. He wasn't teenager, he was 21 years old and he still dares like this. But anyway, he is in front of the house and he walks to the door and opens it. He goes inside of the house and the house look completely different from the outside. On the outside it seem like a normal house but the inside looked strange. There was candles everywhere and it was very dark, which made the Irishman a little bit nervous and he tried back to the door but it was closed but he didn't close it when he came in. Brian goes over to the door and tired to open it but it was stuck and he pulled and pulled but he finally give up and decided to explore. Brian explored all over the house except for one place, the Basement. He was kinda scared but he had to do this or his friends would call him a chicken for running away. He sees there was candles lit in the basement area. The thing that scares him was that there a coffin over next to the wall at the far end of the stairway. There also a big bed on the other end and he wondered who would live down there until a thought​ hit him. Only Vampires sleep in coffins and he was in a house where a vampire lives. Without a second thought, Brian runs to the stairs but it was blocked by a handsome man with black hair and brown eyes. Brian slowly backs up until he is up against the coffin. The man smirks and shows his fangs. Brian whines at the vampire standing in front of him.

"Please don't hurt me. I only came here because of a dare!!" Brian whines

"I know but you entered my sleeping area and you must be punished for your actions. My name is Evan. What is yours, sweet cheeks?" Evan asked

"It's Brian..." Brian says

Evan grabs Brian and leads him to the bed and cuffs him to the bed. The vampire pulls down Brian's shorts and sees Brian's​ erection standing up.

"You like being tied up?" Evan asked

Brian didn't answer him, Evan puts his mouth on Brian's dick and sucks on it. Brian moans as the vampire suck on him. Brian knew he wasn't going to last longer the way Evan was sucking him off like this. He cums inside of Evan's mouth. The vampire looks up and Smirks. Evan sits on Brian and goes for his neck and bites down hard. Damn, Brian's blood tasted so sweet as sugar. Brian feels strange after Evan bitting him. Evan kisses Brian and the young male kisses back. Evan gets up and pulls his pants down and his dick was hard as a rock and Brian blushes at the sight.

"You like what you see, Brian?" Evan says smirking

"Yes you are so big~ will that fit in me?" Brian asked

"Yes it will!!" Evan says

The vampire slowly enters Brian and let's the younger male adjust to it before he starts thrusting harder and faster. Brian became a mubbling moaning mess as Evan picked up speed and thrusted one more time and he cums inside of Brian. He pulls out slowly, so he doesn't hurt the beauty below him. He uncuffs Brian. The younger male kisses him on the cheek.

"Now, do you want to see what you look like, Brian?" Evan asked

"Yes please!" Brian says

They both head over to a mirror and look into it and Brian doesn't see his reflection staring back. He blushes and looks up at Evan.

"Well, do you like it?" Evan asked

"Yes, and I'm finally something different than being a normal person.. but are we sharing the Coffin??" Brian says

"Only if you want to.." Evan says

But they both ended up sleeping in the bed that they made love in and he had a whole new life ahead of him and Evan...

Hope you guys like it

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