Mating season

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H2Ocosmicpsycho  asked for this and you like this girl and everyone else that reads this Enjoy.


Mating season is a like a asshole, everyone has one. And boy did it suck ass. Tyler being the Alpha of his pack, it was hard being the pack leader Craig was a beta and a good friend of Tyler's. And then there was Brian, a Omega of the pack. He was very shy when he is around other Wolves but he was a good friend of Tyler and Craig. He wonders around the woods looking for something to do, when he feels a wetness between his legs and he whines and falls to his knees.  Tyler and Craig were wondering the woods when they smell a scent in the air. It smelled likes Brian going into heat. They see him on the ground, jerking off.

"Brian what are you doing out here, during your heat!" Craig says

Brian's face heats up as he turns his head and sees Tyler and Craig Standing there looking at him. Tyler doesn't say anything and grabs Brian and throws him his shoulder and they head back to their little cave, to have fun with Brian. Tyler drops Brian on the  bed and starts taking their clothes off. Craig was kissing and leaving bite marks on Brian's neck. Craig also plays with Brian's nipples twisting them and earning a Moan from Brian. Tyler cums inside of Bria, him and Craig switched places to let the other male have a chance. Craig pushes into Brian and tries to thrust but his knot get stuck.

"Why did you stop, Craig??" Tyler asked

"My knot got stuck inside of Brian." Craig says

"Why can't you pull out?" Brian asked

"Because, if I pull out, it will hurt you and trust me it's painful, ain't it Tyler!" Craig says

"Yes, it hurts like hell!!" Tyler says

"So what do we do?" Brian asked

"We have to wait about 15 minutes before I can move again." Craig says

"Why to kill the mood!!" Brian yells

~15 Minutes Later~

Craig starts moving again and thrusted harder and faster until he spills his seed into Brian. Craig pulls out gentley and the older males lay on each side of Brian. Brian was asleep when they put their arms around Brian..

~a Few Years Later~

"Kids breakfast!!" Brian yells

In the last few years, Tyler Craig and Brian had kids. Five of them and boy they were a hand full. The oldest, David, he was raging kid that had short temper like Craig. He had black hair and brown eyes. Next, was Evan, he was a little smartass like Tyler, he has black hair and brown eyes. Next one was Brock, a adorable little cinnamon roll. He had brown hair and brown/green eyes. Next was Cipher, a little smartass as well but was also shy. She has short brown hair and hazel eyes. And Lastly, was Ryan, he was a shy one but talktive one. He has Sandy brown hair and brown eyes. They were all at the breakfast table. Brian serves them their food. The daddies were out at a meeting with other wolves so Brian. Was there watching the kids and fixing breakfast for the daddies and the kids. Brian sits down at the table with the kids. He ate his food and noticed footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave and it didn't smell like his Mates. Brian tells the kids to go to their rooms, and they run to their rooms. Brian growls at this stranger and stands his ground like his Mates taught him.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?!?" Brian snaps at the Stranger.

"Oh you don't remember me do you, Honey. "

Stepping out the shadows was Jacksepticeye and he smirks at Brian.

"You seemed to learn a thing or two from your mates, last time I saw you. You were nothing but a whimpering mess that everyone had to clean up after!" Jack says

"Shut the Fuck up, You bastard!" Brian yells

"What the hell are doing here, Jacksepticeye!!" Says two pissed off mates.

"Just having a visit with my old buddy of mine!" Jacksepticeye says

"Bullshit, you came up in here, thinking you know the place." Brian says

"And guess what that ain't happening. Get out before I Banished from our mating grounds!!" Tyler screams

And with that Jack leaves Smirking at Brian..

"Brian, are you okay?" Craig asked

"Did that bastard hurt you?" Tyler says

"I'm fine just nervous about him being here now. He used to tease me all the time about not being strong enough to fight anyone." Brian says

"But you are strong, Brian. You give birth to five kids and that's saying something." Tyler says

"You stood your ground against Jack." Craig says

"I guess you're right!" Brian says

"So where's our little Rugrats!!" Tyler says

"We right here daddy!" Shannon says with a smirk on her face.

They all sat down and ate the rest of Breakfast and had family time together for the rest of the day.

I love this :3

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