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Here is another chapter of this story hope you like it and enjoy!!

Pairings: TerrorKairiSnuckel WildRubyLadd VanLilToonz and H20MADWRECKER


Four couples were on a dark and creepy road one evening coming back from camping during the weekend when the van starts acting up!! The four couples were: Shannon and Brian, Lil and Evan, Taylor and Jonathan and Ruby and Craig!! The guys get out of the van to check out what the problem was!!

"Just fucking great!!" Brian sighs

"How the hell did this get tore up, it looks like a animal or something tore it up!!" Jonathan says

"Yeah, now we are stuck out here in the middle of nowhere and now the van is messed up with this belt being tore up by something!!" Craig says

"And I'm not getting any signal to call someone!!" Evan says

Their girlfriends get out of the van and went to the front of the van, wondering what is going on! Shannon saw the belt was tore up and knew they weren't going anywhere for a little bit!! She used to work on cars and know all kinds of stuff on these types of things!!

"So, we might as well set up camp here for the night!!" Shannon says

"Yeah, that's a good idea!!" Brian says

So, the four couples got the tents and other stuff they needed for their little camp area!! It was a good thing that the girls bought extra food for them or they would have to hunt their food! Their boyfriends set up the huge Tent that could fight a bunch of people while the girls got the firewood from the forest, they had told their lovers, they would be right back with wood for the fire! The girls looked for big sticks and they seen four guys standing there looking at them and the girls grabbed as much firewood as they could and went back to the camp unaware of what was going to happen later that night!!


The four couples ate and then Jonathan had the idea of telling a scary story about a creature called "The Wendigo"!! The girls held onto their boyfriends arms!!

"Some say that four guys were camping just like us and they ran out of food, so they started eating human fleash whenever campers would come to this campsite and no one would ever make out alive!! Usually, the four guys messed with the campers cars and when the campers would start to leave, their cars would acted up and ____ BOO!!!" Jonathan yells scaring Taylor and others

"Jonathan you asshole don't do that!!" Taylor says smacking him on the head

"That was scary!!" Shannon Ruby and Lil whimpers

"Great now our girlfriends won't sleep because of your scary story, Jonathan!!" Brian Craig and Evan say

"It's not a story it's true!! I heard it from Bryce and Swag, who heard it from their parents!!" Jonathan says

"That story is bullshit, Jonathan!!" Craig and Evan say

"Guys don't fight!!" The girls say

The four couples decided to go to sleep and the girls cuddled closed to their lovers and fell asleep!!


Around midnight, both Shannon and Brian woke up to something singing to them and they got up and followed the singing and their friends noticed that Shannon and Brian were gone after a hour after they got out of the tent!!

"Where are Shannon and Brian??" The girls say

"I don't know maybe they went somewhere and were having sex or something?" Evan and Jonathan say

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