Cat Scratch Fever

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I thought of this one I hope you like it!!!

Pairing: Bottom Brian x Top David


Brian mewls as he feels his heat coming on. He was a tiny Lion and none of the females like him because he was small and no good for them. He sat in a small cave where he was away from every animal. Then Brian noticed a huge Lion come into the cave. This was David, Brian's best  friend. He noticed that Brian was in his heat.

"Hey, Brian you need any help?" David asked

"No! Leave me alone, David!" Brian hissed

"Brian you are in heat and it's dangerous being by yourself!" David says

Brian whimpers as David gets closer and licks Brian's face. Brian feels comfort in his friend and he mewls as David pushes him down on the ground and David pushes into Brian. The younger lion grunts as he feels David's knot in and David's stop moving for some reason.

"David, why did you stop?" Brian moans

"My knot is stuck in you and I can't move because I will hurt you if I do!" David says

After a few minutes, David starts moving again. Brian grunts as he cums and so does David. He pulls out of Brian and the small lion cuddles up to David, knowing that he was going to be pregnant with David's cubs.


Brian was sleeping, swollen with David's cubs. While David was watching for other animals but he doesn't know was that there was a bunch of other males trying to hurt Brian.


"Please leave me alone!!" Brian hisses out

"He looks so beautiful to be himself and he looks so good swollen with cubs!!" Says one lion

Brian was back into the corner, hissing and trying to strike at them. But the other lions just laugh at him and pinned him on the cave wall and rub up against him.

"Please s-stop!!" Brian whines

"He said Stop, you assholes! Get away from my mate!!" David yells as the Lions left the cave.

"I tried to stop them but they overpowered me and corned me!" Brian whimpers

"It's okay babe!!" David says licking his mate to calm him


Brian give birth to two beautiful cubs, one girl and one boy. They named them Shannon, because she had light brown fur and brown eyes. While Brock had dark brown fur and green eyes. Shannon was like David, loud and funny while Brock was very shy and quiet. The two grew up fast for their parents.

"We made beautiful cubs, Brian... You wanna make some more??" David says

Needless to say that David was sleeping outside the cave that night!!!


Hope you like it!!!

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