Chapter 21: Glimmer of Light

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Your ears that had been filled with silence, was now invaded by the sound of constant beeping coming from an object near you.

Gradually opening your eyes, squinting as you let them adjust to the bright light pouring into the room before scanning the unfamiliar area you were placed in.

Polished white marble tiles on the floor, walls splashed with a dull light gray - almost white, a singular, plain couch in front of the window and a seat next to the bed you were on which was placed right in the middle of room.

Machines were connected into you through tubes and needles, steady beeping displayed on a screen next to you.

Parts of your arms were covered in bandages along with your legs. As the door pushes open, your head snaps to the direction only to see a wide-eyed, brown haired girl standing, shocked with her eyes on you.

"Y/N," she breathed out, rushing to your side and taking your hand in hers as tears threatened to fall, "You're awake."

You purse your lips into a smile, slightly nodding your head as you sit up straight, wincing in pain as the girl helps you to do so.

"Yeah," you release a long, exasperated sigh, your eyes trained on the crumpled sheets over your body, "What happened?"

"I don't know the full story, just from what the officers have told me. You got into an accident, and it was bad. The driver was let off with a warning because they said he was a minor and since no one died, they couldn't exactly charge him," she explains.

Suddenly tightening her grip on your hand slightly, she continues, "I wish they told me the name of the driver who dared to run you over. I would've killed him right then and there."

Flinching a little, you reach over softly placing your free hand on top of hers, "Then you would've gone to jail."

"I wouldn't have cared about that. They almost killed my best friend, I will shred them apart one by one. Give them a slow and painful dea-"

"Exactly why I need my best friend by my side and not in jail," you chuckle a little, stopping as soon as your chest had started aching.

Your head snaps up suddenly as you remembered something, "I wasn't alone."

Tzuyu immediately looks down at your words, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Where's Jimin?" You try to keep your voice strong.

"He.. took a turn for the worst," Tzuyu mumbles.

A sudden dread filled you as your heart started aching, "What room is he in?"

"Y/N, no. You need to rest, you can't-"

"What room is he in?" You repeat, your voice firm.

For a moment it's just like that, Tzuyu staring at you as she wonders to herself if she should reveal the room in which Jimin lay.

Your burning gaze had not helped, and so she gave in, "Room 108."

. . .

Endless thoughts ran across your mind as you outside a wooden door, gold-plated numbers hung on it "108".

Releasing a shaky breath, your fingers wrap around the cold metal of the knob, pushing down on it as you open it.

Just then, a figure emerged from the room, a white lab coat wrapped around their body.

A Doctor.

They looked taken aback at your sudden appearance, their eyes glossing over your wounds that were wrapped up.

"You should be resting, Ms. Y/N. Your wounds have not healed, walking around after an accident like that can worsen the state of your wounds," he speaks calmly, his fingers clasping the clipboard he had with him.

You nod slightly as you speak up, "I know. I'm just worried about him. Is he okay?"

He sighs, "Mr. Park is okay, he's out of danger and is sleeping now. However, his wounds have proved to be more fatal than your own. He has a major concussion."

Your lips part, an inaudible gasp escaping between them.

How did he get more hurt than me? I was in the middle, it should be me not him.

The doctor continues, "It seems as though the hit has affected his head the most, pressurizing part of his brain. We fear he may suffer from temporary amnesia, in simpler form: short term memory loss. This is very common in the early stages of recovery. If you try little by little, introducing things that used to be his favorite, or relationships, he may remember again. But it may take some time. I'd suggest to refrain from pressuring him too much though."

With a pursed smile and a pat on the shoulder, the doctor walked away leaving you to see the aftermath of the accident yourself.

As you enter the room which looked similar to your own, your eyes land on Jimin's figure who lay peacefully on the bed.

An oxygen mask clasped around his mouth, his chest rising and falling slowly as steady beeping came from the machine linked up to him.

His raven hair glistened under the light that was directly above him.

He looked so peaceful, so angelic.

If it weren't for the bandages wrapped around his forehead, parts of his arms and legs, you would've thought that Jimin was alright.

He would merely be sleeping, and would wake up the next minute with everything back to normal again.

However, that was not the case.

You knew he was okay, but he probably wouldn't remember you, and you feared that.

You didn't want Jimin to forget you.

He meant everything to you, he is your first love.

You cautiously limp closer, taking a seat on the chair beside his bed.

Holding his hand, you bring it closer to your lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back as a tear falls down your cheek, "Please, remember me Jimin. I love you, and I'm sorry. Because of me you're in this state. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."

A sob breaks out from you as tears continuously fall.

You knew losing hope would be the worst thing for you to do right now.

And so, you kept hoping, "I will help you, Jimin. I will stay by your side, and return your memories. I'll help you remember."

You hoped that when he wakes up, he would remember you.

Hoping he'd remember every moment shared between the two of you.

There's always a glimmer of light at the end of a tunnel.

. . .


A/N: Short edited chapter, so I sincerely apologize for that. And I'm also sorry for not updating in a while, I had gone on a mini vacation up north, I only returned two days ago.

And since then, I kind of lost motivation to write, but I'm back for now.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter should be out soon. Hope you guys are taking care of yourselves! If anything is up, you can always message me. Until next time!

- Nabi

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