My Angel Chapter 18

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It has been a week since anything interesting has happened. It is Wednesday. Only two days until Jordan is going to pop the big question.

I start my new job today. Cameron and I are going to be camp counselors at a local day camp. We share a cabin with four eight-year-old girls. Should be easy enough. Just give them tin foil and you're good to go.

"Sam!" Cameron called to me. "I'd rather not be late for my first day of work!"

"I'm ready, calm your hormones!" I jumped into her car. "Unlike you, I don't want to get to work an hour early."

"Making a good impression is always a good idea." She said in her smarty-pants voice. Yes she has one of those.

"Yes, and sometimes being too perfect gets on peoples nerves!"

The rest of the drive there was silent. Cameron was pretending to be mad at me. How I know she was pretending. Random fits of laughter. The girl couldn't lie if her life depended on it.

"We're here." I pointed out.

"No crap Sherlock." Another thing about Cameron, she doesn't swear. So most of the things she says make no sense. I know that swearing isn't a good thing. But sometimes, it is needed.

"Are you going to stay mad at me all day?"

"Yes, but I won't act like it. I don't want to influence the little children in a bad manner. You shouldn't either."

Our new boss came to meet us as we approached our assigned cabin. He wasn't a very good-looking man. He had a toilet rim hairstyle. No hair on top, only on the sides, and it was a blackish gray. He was wearing a bright orange t-shirt over his potbelly, and blue jeans.

"I am so glad that you girls joined us for our summer program. Are there any questions before we get started?"


"Alright then. I'll take you to meet your campers." He opened the cabin door and weighted for us to walk in. "This is Rachel." He said pointing to a small skinny girl. "This is Meaghan." He said pointing to a rather tall girl. She looked more like eleven than eight. "And these are Nicole and Emily." He said pointing to twins with brown hair done in the same manner.

"I'll leave you girls with your new counselors." He said to the girls. "Be good."

"Alright girls. I'm Cameron and this is.."

"Sam." I cut in. "And we are going to hang out with you guys today and. What do you want to do?"

"Crafts!" the twins said together. It was a little scary.

"Badminton!" Rachel yelled.

"Swimming would be nice." Meaghan muttered quietly.

"We can do all of those things." Cameron told the girls. "Since the craft cabin is the closes, we will do the crafts first. What should we make?"

"We should make pretty paper chains!" the twins said. Again at the same time.

I let Cameron led us to the craft cabin. Witch wasn't really a cabin. More like a fifty-year-old shack. We walked in and flicked on the light. Witch wasn't much. Inside were a small sink, a dozen paint pucks and a shelf of colored paper.

"I have no creativeness what so ever, so you guys can go ahead, I'll just watch from over here." I stepped back and watch the girls work.

After an hour of crafting, we gad ten paper chains to decorate the cabin with. Cameron took the twins back to the cabin to decorate while I stayed with Rachel and Meaghan to play badminton. Now, I don't want o brag, but I dominate at the sport.

"Sam!" Rachel called to me while tugging on my shirt. "My racket's in the cabin and I need to go get it!"

"Well then, go get it." I told her.

"I can't just go alone! You have to come with me."

"Fine, come on."

Who knew that it could take an eight-year-old girl an hour and a half to find a hot pink badminton racket? Well, it did.

"Alright! I'm ready to play."

"Sorry, you are going to have to wait until after we eat. It's time for lunch."

The girls sat in a circle in the middle of the floor while we ate our lunches. Cameron and I had completely forgotten to pack lunches and decided to go to the local McDonalds once all the girls went home at two.

"I'm done." Sang Rachel. "Can we go play badminton now?"

"Alright come on." As we walked down to the courts, Rachel asked me all kinds of questions about the game. I more than happy to answer her.

Playing the game with her was fun. I didn't have to go easy on her, but I didn't have to play like I did in provincials. I ended up beating her, but not by much.

The last thing we did was take the girls swimming. The fact that they were all dressed in pink bathing suits creped me out. But at least Cameron looked like me. I had on a purple and black one piece and Cameron had a light blue and black one piece. Luckily everyone knew how to swim and we didn't have to stay in the shallow end the whole time.

We got out of the pool at one-thirty to get ready for their parents. The twins left first, and then Rachel. Meaghan's dad was a little late but that was okay. She told us stories about how the kids at her school treat her tallness, and how the guys are all shorter than her.

After the kids were all gone, Cameron and I started out journey to McDonalds. I stopped and bent over to tie my shoe, when and oh too familiar car went speeding past me. I had no choice. I started sprinting after it.

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