Chapter 8. What's Happening?

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Lucy's POV

I woke up in Natsu's arm's
(Thanks Terra for everything.) I thought but what kinda freaked me out was her responding.
(Your welcome Lucy but I'm sad to say she got away from me I tried and knowing my friend is in trouble I'll be looking after you.) She said i whimpered out a small
"Thank You" because my body hurts but I was laying on something soft I looked up to see Natsu.
Tears formed from my eye's as I saw the bruises I left behind.
"I'm sorry!" I let out a small sob but I didn't know I woke up a particular dragon slayer.
"It's okay Luce I would rather die than knowing I hit you it's my worst fear I could imagine." He said and I cried a little harder and he had tears too.
"I-I want to protect you I just don't know how anymore she'll hurt you in your sleep where I can't reach you I'm sorry I failed." He said.
"Natsu what are you talking about I'm alive because you've saved me countless times it's just my turn. To take on my own battles this time but I just have a harder task than usually." I said and he smiled but kissed me I was shocked but I kissed back and when we released I said.
"Natsu I've loved you from the first day we met and I've wanted to tell you but I was always scared its good to know how you feel." And then I laughed and so did he.
"Wish I could've known sooner or I would've asked you to be my girlfriend from when I saw you in. Clover instead of Hargeion that way I could've came out like HEY WOULD YOU DATE ME!!! But instead I had to pull a Juvia and stalked you to Hargeion like a phyco would." He said
"Awe you followed me on a train to come save me from that frawed." I said but Natsu did a puking sound and said.
"No are you kidding I had to run all the way to save you I wasn't going to go on a death trap to die and not see you again" He said which kinda disappointed me but it was true.
"So now I know that your my girlfriend why don't we get something to eat oh and how are you feeling?" He said
"I'm fine but I would love food right now hehehe." I giggled and we went to the bar to get food as I got the chicken tenders and fries with a side of a smoothie. Natsu got spicy wings with spicy fries with a hot chilli pepper shake with his. He asked me something though I don't really know what it really was so I just guessed.
"Du om antfom fojm" (do you want some food?)
"Um no thanks."
"YOU UNDERSTOOD THAT??!!!" Mira screamed out of shock.
"Yeah it's quite simple see its the ears that do the- gagsrrs." I was cut off when all of a sudden pain shot back into my chest.
"LUCE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Natsu asked but I wanted to fake that I was like I did most of the time but I knew I couldn't keep it up.
"N-No!" I said and everyone crowded around me as I screamed in pain "AHHH!"
"LUCE!!" Natsu screamed but then I heard HER.
"HAHAHA YOU THOUGHT YOU GOT RID OF ME SO EASILY let me tell you something!'ll be our little secret......till death do us part...." I wasn't understanding what she meant by death do us part.
"Urg there's too many people I'll explain to you when were alone."
"WHAT!!!?" And then I felt the pain grow even more the pain shot to ky head and then my body.
"Gaaa guys get AWAY!!!" I warned them scared of what she would do and then it was like I was watching from a different point of view.
I saw people restraining Natsu but one word slipped out of Max that terrified me the most.

"MONSTER!!!" See Lucy that's how they see us as a monster they never cared about us they'll never accept us.
"STOP WITH THE US'S THERE IS NO US!!!" I screamed but then I was turned around by a force of a hand to face her finally, but ehat I saw shocked me.
"Your right Lucy it's just me!! She said and punched me.

Natsu's POV

When Luce understood what I said with my mouth full I fell even more in love with her than I realized she was going to. Explain how she understood me and it was also a topic I was interested in. Then she grabbed her chest and looked like she was in pain this brought worry into my heart.
"Luce are you alright?" I asked but then she gave a shook of her head saying no she even says.
"N-no." Then she screamed in pain and dropped to the floor we heard her mumbling to herself but when she looked at me she didn't look like herself. I was going to run to her but Grey and Elfman restrained me back.

"Don't go dude." Grey said.

"Yeah she looks like bad luck she may attack again" But Max said something that I was going to kill him for calling Luce.

"MONSTER!!!" Luce looked hurt and I wanted to cuddle her and hug her but it was too late she dropped to the floor again and screamed in pain. As the red veins came back but then horns grew on her and we all saw winga appear and darkness just consumed her.

(What she looks like)

(What her wings look like)

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(What her wings look like)

"LUCE!!!" I screamed and reached out to her but she was just gone tears rolled down my eyes and devastation took over me, and for the first time

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"LUCE!!!" I screamed and reached out to her but she was just gone tears rolled down my eyes and devastation took over me, and for the first time........I cried in front of everyone
"LUCE!!" I sobbed even more
"What's happening to you?" I mumbled.

End of chapter 8

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