The day the sirens went off

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Here it is finally! I am going to try to get one chapter out a week from now on. Hope you like the chapter!

The morning of the war, I woke up early. I had hoped that I would wake up and it would have all been a horrible dream. Sadly, though, it didn't work that way.

I stumbled out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I walked across my room toward my closet where my uniform was hanging. The closet door was slightly ajar, so I pulled it open and flicked on the light. Italy and I screamed at the same time.

Italy pulled a blanket over his head in an attempt to hide. "Italy! What the hell are you doing in my closet?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Germany! I had a nightmare. Your closet always makes me feel safe when i'm scared!" Italy cried, pulling the blanket off his head.

I looked at him still in slight shock. "There were other times?"

Italy had a tear in his eye. "Please don't be mad." He looked down at his hands, ashamed.

I felt something in my chest that I haven't felt before. It was telling me to comfort him. I stepped into the closet and knelt down, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I'm not mad Italy. I was just surprised. That's all. You don't always need to apologize to everyone." I squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.

Italy looked up at me, his eyes shimmering with tears threatening to fall. "Realy? You're not mad?" I shook my head. Italy smiled. I smiled back awkwardly. Not really knowing what to do in that situation.

We sat in silence for a couple seconds, just awkwardly staring at each other. Finally, I stood up and, grabbing my uniform, walked out of the closet. Italy followed me out, carrying his blanket. I walked back to my bed and set my uniform down, smoothing it out. I expected Italy to leave my room. When I didn't hear the door open or close I turned around. Italy was standing in the middle of the room, staring at the floor. I could tell he was trembling. I was about to say something when he whispered under his breath. I could barely understand what he said. " I'm going to die aren't I?"

My mind instantly went back to the last meeting. When Romano said "i'm coming for you two first" I shook my head, trying not to think about that asshole.

Italy looked up at me. The fear in his eyes was strong. It pained me to see him like that. I knew I had to give him some sort of assurance. "I won't let that happen." I said the words as calmly and smoothly as I could.

"Do you promise?"


"Thank you Germany." He walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back, silently praying to whatever God really exists to protect him. He didn't deserve what he was about to thrown into. 

We let go and he walked to the door. He looked back at me and said "I'm going to go get ready."  His voice was still a bit unsteady.  I nodded at him. He turned back around and walked out. 

Half an hour later, I met Italy in the corridor in my house. He was in his Italian uniform.  He had a handgun and ammo pouch at his side, as did I.

 We headed outside in silence, where our armies waited for our command. we waited for the unavoidable sirens declaring the beginning of the war. Italy was breathing heavily. It was obvious how scared he was. 

I closed my eyes. Embracing the moments I had left of peace. I listened to the birds chirping, and the chattering of two squirrels in the distance. It was calming.

 I opened my eyes. I looked over at Italy. He was trying to steady his breathing. 

Everything seemed to go dead silent right before the sirens went off. They were loud and high pitched. The sound surrounded us. At that moment it finally hit me that this wasn't a bad dream, or just another argument between some other countries. This was war. 

Italy and I shared a look before yelling in sync the words "We fight for peace!". The armies raised their guns and cheered. We then did the inevitable, in which was leading our armies towards definite war. 

It was getting dark, so we decided to camp near my border. Thankfully, we didn't meet any countries yet. We were lucky, but we knew that the next day and all the days after that would not be as easy. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst as people always say. We camped in a bush clearing, staring at the stars until we fell asleep. We had thirty people on watch at once. 

I didn't fall asleep at all that night. Every time I was close, I would see a picture of Romano's face in my head, and hear the words that he whispered to Italy. "I'm coming for you two first."......

That's the end of this chapter. Hope you liked it. Let me know what you thought or what kind of things you would like to see in future chapter!

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