Have you?

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It's here! It's finally here! Chapter 6! Hope you enjoy!

I looked up as I heard Italy coming towards me. He was dressed in his training clothes and a white hat. He saw me and smiled kindly.

When he got close enough, I asked him "Are you ready?" He nodded. We walked together across the yard to the running track I had. I stopped and looked over at him. "Okay, we are going to do ten laps, then we will work on muscle strength. There will be no stopping during the ten laps. Do you understand?" Italy nodded again.

"Thank you Germany. " Italy said, scratching the back of his head.

I looked at him confused. "For what?"
"For helping me. Without you, I wouldn't even have a chance in this war. " Italy had a tear in his eye.

"Uhh... your welcome. " I replied. I didn't know how to react.
Italy hugged me tight. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stood still until he let go.
I cleared my throat. "Alright, we better start running. " I did a quick stretch then turned and started running. Italy grinned and followed my lead.

Soon enough he passed me. I could feel wind blow past me. I sped up, but couldn't quite catch up to him. I pushed back a hair that fell in my face. I could feel my blood boiling and sweat on my face.

I looked forward, I was close enough to Italy to see he wasn't sweating. Out of all our sessions, not once has he had a drop of sweat. I didn't understand it, but never questioned him about it.
After 9 laps I finally caught up to him and we did the last lap together, silently.
We both stopped at the same time, breathing heavily. I grabbed two water bottles from my gazebo and handed one to Italy. He accepted it and drank most of it at once.

I took a drink then told Italy what was next. "Okay. One hundred one hand push ups. Fifty on each hand. " He nodded and got to it. I watched him silently. He improved greatly since day one. Our first day he could barely do one one hand push up, and now he was doing one hundred without thinking twice. I was proud of him. He was my biggest accomplishment. I just hope he knew it.

He finished the push ups in just under two minutes. I then got him to do eighty reps of forty pounds. He did so, easily. The whole time he was smiling and telling me things he liked and what he liked to do.

Once he was done, he sat down on the grass. He patted the ground beside him. I sat down beside him.

"Germany, can I ask you something?" Italy looked over at me, our eyes meeting.

I nodded. "Ask away."

"Have you ever loved someone?" He held my gaze, as if watching for a hint of a lie in my expression.

I was taken aback by this question. I had never been asked this question before, and it seemed to come out of nowhere. I answered him with a confused look "No."
He didn't say anything. He just nodded as if he finally understood something.

"Why did you ask me that?" I asked him , still looking at him confused.

"Oh," he smiled and gave a little laugh "I was just wondering." I wasn't sure if I was convinced he was just wondering, but I didn't say anything more on the subject.

"Well, that will be enough for today." I said. I pushed myself up off the ground and headed inside. I looked back, Italy stayed on the grass. He waved at me. I waved back at him.

I wonder why he asked me if I've ever loved anyone before. Eh. It's probably nothing.

Thats it for now. I will try to get the next chapter out soon. Do you guys have any suggestions for future chapters? Let me know if you do.

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