"You too," I reply with a smile.

"Kaia," he says, and my smile drops when I realise it's his fiancée he's called over. It's not that I'm sad that he's with someone else, or that I'm jealous or anything, but I'm just upset with him for flirting with me when clearly he's not putting anything into it. "Kaia, this is Leah, Leah this is Kaia," he says, and she shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you. Harry says he's very happy with you," she gives me a smile, although she too gives me the elevator look. I guess she wants to know who it is Harry's working with. But I'm happy to hear that he's telling everyone how happy he is with my work. Although, I'm beginning to think that this means that everyone will have very high expectations of me and I'm afraid to disappoint.

"You too. Does he now? I'm very glad to hear that," I say sending her a smile and for a moment my eyes meet Harry's. He gives me a wink, and my heart skips a beat. Kaia lets go of my hand and soon disappears in between the crowd. I was right she is thin and resembling a model, and she is, of course, the exact opposite of me. Blond, tall, blue-eyed and incredibly skinny.

"She's nice," I say in lack of other words, although, I should probably have said anything but that. Of course, she is nice, if she wasn't I'm sure Harry wouldn't be dating her.

"She is," Harry says looking over at me, and I realise Sam has disappeared to. My palms feel sweaty now, and my lips are dry. I don't like what he's doing to me. "Was it hard to find? The house?" He elaborates when I stare at him in confusion.

"No, not really. I used Google Maps," I admit, and he nods.

"Right. Feel free to start whenever you'd like, and the food is for you as well. I don't want you to leave hungry."

"Thanks, Harry," I say. I'm thanking him quite a lot.

"Don't thank me. I'm just glad to help out whenever I can," he says and places a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, I gotta go. Please make yourself feel at home, and just snap away," he chuckles and disappears just like the others so that I'm standing by myself in this place where I don't feel like I fit in. My parents might be lawyers, but they sure aren't as wealthy as these people.

"Leah, follow me," Sam says surprising me by her presence, and I follow her inside unsure of where she's taking me. "You can leave your stuff in here, in case you don't want to be walking around with your rucksack, " she says as we enter a room with pink walls. "It used to be my room," she says before I can ask the question that's right on my tongue.

I leave my stuff in the room and walk back outside with Sam. This is going to be interesting. There are at least a hundred of people mingling inside the garden and the tent, and as time passes I'm sure there's close to 200 people here. I take pictures of the decorations, of people talking and practically I do as Harry told me to do, I snap away. Luckily, this is not an official dinner, but more like a get together where people can come and go as they please and food is being served at all times including drinks. People are still dressed nicely though, but it feels nice not being forced to listen to a ton of speeches and it makes it easier for me to grab some food whenever I feel like it. I've even failed to meet Harry's parents so far, but in all honesty, I'm happy to just walk around in my own little bubble hiding behind my camera. I like it best here.

"Excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us?" An elder lady asks me.

"Of course," I say wondering if these people could be Harry and Sam's grandparents. I still have a hard time picturing Harry in the big brother role, but it seems like him and Sam are rather close.

The elder man places his arm over who I suppose is his wife's shoulder, and she wraps an arm around his waist. I try not to get any people in the background as I snap away. I think I take at least ten pictures of them, just in case one is bad. I'm not good with these kind of pictures, I like it better when people don't know I'm taking pictures of them. That way I catch real emotions and moments that aren't forced for the camera.

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