⭐Chapter 8:Blooming Hope⭐

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Chapter 8 is here!!!
I hope you guys like it>~<



Frisk said as She stared in shock at the sight of her own soul.How long has it been since she last saw it? She thought.Had it been weeks? Months? Years? Since she last saw it? She didn't really know.She lost track of time a long time ago  when she entered this place.

"Well human as you can see...your soul is colorless,In other words....Empty"

Said gaster as creepy smile was plastered on his face.

"..Ah...A soul without any traits...still untainted with this worlds truth..."

He continued,His smile never leaving his face.

"W..wha..what...are..you talking about...."

Frisk asked her voice wavering Abit.

"Since you don't have any traits...means that you don't have any Determination....if you don't have Determination then that means you are not going to be able to come back to your body or your save point...."

As gaster stopped for a moment frisk felt a chill going down her spine as she began to shiver slightly at the cold dark voice the skeleton like man had used to continue his sentence

"which means I only have to kill you once..."

Gasping Frisk scrabbled to her knees as a flash of light entered her vision
Floating in the area where she had just been,A Skeleton of what looked like a some kind of beast had seemed to be the source of the light.
And judging from the smoke coming from the area it just hit.

it wasn't a good one.

Suddenly as she looked up to the skeleton head of the beast a memory of her still being in the underground flashed.

~>Flash back<~

"Don't hurt her! Spare her."

Groaning at frisk's decision to spare undyne.Sans quickly Summoned a Gaster blaster at undyne as she shouted at them as she was about to attack and slamming her into the walls of waterfall as he attacked.

"let's get out of here!"

Said flowey from his boot pot as  sans quickly grabbed frisk's hand and teleported them away,Taking small bursts away but was sure to make sure to put in a large enough distance. Though he was pretty sure she was going to be out for awhile.

~>Flash back ends here<~


Frisk thought had seen sans summon those beasts in some occasions.

As four Options Floated In front of her,frisk was snapped her back to her senses and was reminded of the current situation she was in.


How long as she last saw these words?
She didn't know.

Frisk quickly pressed the *ACT option.


She quickly followed and pressed the second option.

* W.D gaster



*Has been Stuck in the void for who knows how long,Wishes to take your soul and escape from it

Said the voice in her head as she looked at gaster and braced herself for an attack.

HP unknown and attack unknown? Frisk thought.Did This mean
that even Chara,The voice in her head.The one who has been constantly telling her to be determined everytime she had died in the underground,The very First Human to fall in the underground. Did not know this monsters stats where in she had known almost every monster frisk had encountered in the underground?

Smiling wickedly gaster summoned a Few more Blasters surrounding and the sound of them Loading fire was frisk's only warning that they were to shoot.But was just enough for her to dodge.Jumping Up at the Exact Time the Blasters Shooted.Frisk Quickly ducked her head once her feet had touched the ground as gaster threw bones at her.Clearly aiming at her head.After ducking frisk then stood still as Blue bones passed through her.


Floating once again in front of her signalling that he was done with his attack.

'I won't Die'
Frisk though as she looked at the *SPARE option and smiled.

"I won't fight back"
She told gaster,As she saw the skeleton's sockets Widened in shock at her statement.Which was quite similar to another certain skeleton's reaction when she had refused to fight back,
even if it meant her own life.

"Because even the worst can people can Change,That everyone Can be a better person..If They just try"

She said as she remembered hearing a line similar to this being asked to her before.

"..And that includes you..."

She continued.As she felt a familiar surge of Power passed through her soul as she pressed the spare optin. The want to suddenly save this person in front of her,despite him clearly wanting to kill her.she just knew that behind that angry expression was a man who only wanted to be free,A man who wished only to see his family again.

A man...who deserved another chance..

With this in mind frisk felt something inside her blossom,a feeling that who knows how long she had last felt. making almost forget what it meant.Almost, Suddenly a blast of a red color erupted from her chest,a warm feeling engulfing her small frame.She knew what she felt.She was certain.


IM ALIVE!! 😂😂😂
HERE YOU GO I MADE A LONGER ONE😂 updates will happen regularly on weekends now! I hope you liked this chapter! This just turned from being the shortest chapter to the longest one yet😂

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