🐾Chapter 4: Annoying Dog!!(Im not editing this XD)🐾

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Shrugging off what the riverperson had just said sans continued down his path till he reached the place were he used to just lazily walk around and if not he would just go to grillby's and get himself a bottle of mustard.

"Might as well take a side trip...."
Whispered Sans to himself as he took a turn to the right Passing by the library.Glancing up at it's sign his mouth curled upwards and he grinned at it.
Was what was written on the sign.

"Somethings just don't change huh...."

Stated the skeleton as he kept walking till he reached a fairly large house which had christmas lights hanging on it and two mail boxs on it side.

"Heh....even when we already transfered on the surface they still keep sending us letters here"

Sans chuckled as he looked over the Over flowing with letters mail box and the mail box that doesnt even have a single letter in it.Pulling out a key from his pockets Sans inserted it in the door before twisting it to the left and unlocking it.Taking a step in the smell of the house filled him along with some flashbacks of the time were him and papyrus still lived in the house.
Looking around sans notice that the sink that paprus modified to place more bones in shaked abit alarming the skeleton that someone or something was inside.Raising his hand to the arm several bones engulfed with a red aura,more like magic appeared in tin air as his right eye flickered and was now glowing red.Taking cautious steps sans felt his cold sweat drip down at the side of his skull from nervousness in what could be waiting for him inside the large sink.

As he was now close enough to the sink sans swung the door open his bones ready to defend its caster only to be greeted by a white fluffy dog who was munching on his brothers bones.

"what the...."

In alarm of the sudden voice that suddenly spoke and the door opened widely the dog quickly bit the bone before leaping out of the sink and running away with the bone leaving Sans to stare at it disappear from his sight.

"Damn that dog..."

Muttered sans to himself as he placed a bony hand on his skull as he laughed at himself.The nervousness and panick had left him and was replaced by embarrassment at his actions and the scene replayed in his head.

"That sure scared me to the bone"

Said the skeleton before letting out a contented chuckle at his own pun.

"Well enough now time to get back to the road"

Said the skeleton before walking out of the door and locking the house to continue walking his way to his sweatheart's grave.

-----------------------------------------------------------DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER

I know that this chapter sucks😂 I'm just too lazy to rewrite this 😂 this was how I used to write before😂 The me uh I guess 2 years ago. . . ?😂
Anyway this chapter is shit but I'm not changing it😂 it's honestly not really that important so meh😂😉😂

The Return(A Flowerfell Sequel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें