⭐Chapter 7:Scars of the Soul⭐

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Chapter 7 is here!
I hope you like it!

As the scenery changed from pitch black it soon began to flicker from black to white and vise versa and became a mixture of white and black which rendered the girl speechless and shocked as she felt the nostalgia his her,memories springing back to life.in front of her Six colored hands with a hole in its palms appeared out of thin air which surrounded gaster as he stood straight staring at Frisk without breaking his gaze.each one of these hands had different colors.One violet,One Neon,One Dark Blue,One Green,One Yellow and One Orange.

The colours so familiar to the human..






And Bravery


Said frisk as she thought out loud in her shocked state which caused gaster to chuckle darkly.

"Quite the sharp one eh? Technically you are correct"

"But...At the same time you  are not.For these are indeed the power of those souls But at the same time are not."

Said gaster which only caused more confusion to the girl as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What...did you do?"

"Well..what do you expect from a monster scientist? Well the answer is pretty obvious after all you had learned doctor alphy's secrets have you not? Her recordings of them on the walls of her Lab,you have read them all.Even the one I have hidden, am I correct? Now then why don't we give you a little clue,does the name "Determination Extractor" ring a bell?"


Repeated frisk as she emerged herself in deep thought as she began to remember an odd looking machine which closely resembles a skull of some kind of creature which she found when she was roaming around Dr.Alphys's lab.

"Wait...does that mean you..."

Said frisk as her eyes widened in realization as gaster flashed a sinister at the girl before answering in a amused dark tone.

"Using the machine that I created I was able to extract Determination from the 6 Human souls granting me the different kinds of abilities from each soul."

"Wait...so it was not Dr.alphys that made that machine?"

Asked frisk as gaster the answered her,venom laced his cold tone as he glared at the human.

"No,that pathetic scientists could never create such a machine,So she decided to use mine for own benefit"

"Then does that mean you could have been able to destroy the barrier and free the monsters?"

"No I cannot, it seems that even when I have part of their Determination in me I still cannot destroy the barrier,Only using the Souls themselfs can we destroy the barrier."

"Then...if you knew that...why haven't the monsters been freed yet?"

"Well human...let's just say that a certain accident happened to me during that time which was the cause why I am currently trapped in this cursed place."

"I thought monsters couldn't take determination Into their bodies? If I remember correctly the result of injecting determination into a monster's body wasn't really a sight to behold"

Frisk said as she remembered the poor sight of the monster trapped in the basement,merged together and turned into a being which Dr.Alphys called "Amalgamates".

"You are correct about the that no ordinary monster would be able to take in determination in their bodies but do remember I am not an ordinary monster,Im a boss monster.A monster who are on an entirely different level than another your ordinary monsters."

"then..are sans and papyrus boss monsters as well?"

Asked frisk,causing gaster to raise a bone brow at her question about the other two skeletons besides himself but decided to pay no heed to it as he just answered her question.

"Yes,those two are indeed boss monsters but one has a special ability,the ability to remember"

As gaster finished his statement frisk remained silent as she her brain was still trying to process the new information it was given her eyes wide in shock.

Gaster was aware of sans ability to remember whatever happened before a reset occurred or a load.

"Now then...shouldn't you be worrying about something else?"

Said gaster as he snapped frisk out of her thoughts only for her tilt her head slightly sideways in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I see...so you are not aware of it yet..."

"Not aware of what?"

"Your...soul human look at it"

"My soul?"

Repeated frisk as she looked down to check on her soul to see what he was talking about,The sight of what was in front of her brought new waves of shock in her body as she was now struggling with her words,completely render speechless as she stared at it in complete horror
The once bright red soul which Represented Determination was now gone as frisk stared into a gray colorless soul.Her throat Tightening as she struggled with her words.

"What.....happened to...me...?


Chapter 7 is doooonnnnee!!!
I really hope you guys liked it!
Feel free to comment down your feelings! See ya guys in chapter 8!
Bye bye!!!!

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