sick keef

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Members in VOLTRON AND THE ALTEANZ: Princess Lance, Pidgeon, SirShiro, Gorgeous Man, Knife, Spunky Hunky, AwesomePrincessAllura
SirShiro: Keith is ill so he isn't going to train today

Knife: What no I'm not that bad

SirShiro: You call uncontrollable coughing, fainting six times in 24 hours and vomiting at least once every two hours 'not that bad'?

Knife: I could be worse

SirShiro: And you will get worse if you push yourself when your body is exhausted and not functioning properly. You will not be training

Pidgeon: well he doesn't have explosive diarrhoea.

Spunky Hunky: Nope he does

Pidgeon: how do you know.

Spunky Hunky: Let's just say, he didn't exactly clean the toilet afterwards

Princess Lance: Nope. Soz. That was me. I had a pretty nasty burrito and it sort of just went in and out in the space of 0.023 seconds or something

Pidgeon: tmi.

Knife: But no, Shiro, I will be training. I can handle it

SirShiro: Keith Kogane you listen to me and accept the fact that you are sick

Knife: Yeah, sick of your bullshit.

Pidgeon: woooOow.

Princess Lance: LOL

Spunky Hunky: OOOOOOHHH

SirShiro: ENOUGH all of you. Keith will not be training for the next week. Goodbye end of story the end.

Knife: I'm not that bad

Pidgeon: bitch, i'd listen to space dad if i were you.

SirShiro: Thank you pidge

Knife: But why should I listen to him when I'm perfectly fine and I know that I'm well enough to train?

Pidgeon: boi. he has a fucking robot arm made from galra materials. he can slice your head off with one little tap.

Pidgeon: listen.

Pidgeon: to.

Pidgeon: space dad.

Knife: You guys are no fun

Princess Lance: Don't worry keef I'll bring you hot cocoa everyday

Knife: thank you lance

SirShiro: Everyone get off your phones and get training

Princess Lance: UGHHHHHHHHH Shiro you're just like my mum

a/n - *sings* 400 reeeeeads
thank you lovelies

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