t h i r t y f i v e

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sorry it took a while to update but happy to let you know that the wedding will be coming up soon so... :)))

[Draco's POV]

The day past in a blur as they made last minute finishing touches for their wedding. Turned out Mrs Weasley was more than willing to bake their wedding cake and his mum had already sorted everything out at Malfoy Manor so everything was all set to go. Hermione wouldn't let him see her wedding dress because of some muggle tradition about it being bad luck to see your bride in her wedding dress before your wedding day - shit. I haven't even gotten my robes fitted. He was currently at Malfoy Manor with his mum, arranging the seats for the guests and where the catering was going to go.

"Draco?" His mum called from the dining room, "Is everything ready?"

"I think so," he looked around, everything looked like how a wedding should look, "I still have to get fitted for my suit."

"You're getting married in two weeks." His mum tightened the table cloth again with a flick of her wand and with another, folded all the napkins, "Well, hurry on then, the robe isn't going to fit itself."

Draco smiled sheepishly at his mother and apparated to the Leaky Cauldron. The bar hadn't changed much from before, the smell of firewhiskey and butterbeer still clung from its walls and more or less, the same people still occupied its tables. He tapped the bricks on the wall and an archway uncurled from the bricks. Diagon Alley wasn't as crowded as he expected it to be, sure there were people walking around, browsing things from store to store but nowhere near as crowded as it was when it had gotten his robes fitted for his first year at Hogwarts.

Draco headed to Madame Malkin's Robes For All Occasions, pushed the door open as the high pitched ring of the bell echoed through the shop. Madame Malkin appeared from the back of the shop and greeting him with a familiar smile.

"Is your mother coming, dear?" She asked as she fetched her measuring tape.

"She's getting the manor ready for the wedding, finishing touches." Draco walked over to wear the small stool and waited for her to take his measurements.

"Up you get," she gestured to the chair.

"But -"

"You may be a whole foot taller than me but I still need to take your measurements properly. Up, up."

Draco awkwardly stepped onto the small stool, spread his arms as her measuring tape started to measure him.

"What kind of style are we going for?"

"Well it's for a wedding,"

"Ah yes, you're getting married aren't you? Former death-eater marries a third of the Golden Trio. Who would've thought?"

Certainly not me. "I'm thinking of a robe and a muggle suit combined into one like something that's sort of a robe but not a robe."

Madame Malkin looked at him exasperatedly, "You Malfoys have always been so picky but I can't deny it that you've been my best customers." She jotted something onto a piece of parchment with a quill and her measuring taped rolled itself back up.

"Any particular colour in mind? Something to match your bride's dress?"

"Actually," he began, "I haven't seen her dress yet because she won't allow me to see it due to some muggle tradition so I have no idea."

The old lady furrowed her brow and gave her chin a scratch, "Well then, how about white? Muggles like white for their weddings so her dress will surely have some white in it."

"Yeah that's great, actually white it is."

"That should be ready for you in about four days time, dear."

"Should I pay today?"

"No, save it. Pay me when you pick up your robe."

Draco bid her goodbye and headed over to meet Hermione, Ginny and Blaise at The Three Broomsticks. Looks like the gang's back together.

[Hermione's POV]

Hermione and Ginny had just ordered drinks when Draco slid in next to her, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Everything's set to go at the Manor."

"And everything's ready at Shell Cottage," Hermione beamed and sipped her mug of butterbeer. "Are you nervous?"

"Me?" Draco gave her that knowing smirk, "Why should I be? I mean, I'm only getting married to the love of my life."

"You guys are so gross," Blaise shook his head with a slight smile and turned to Hermione, "Don't worry, he's not nervous at all. He's only been calling me at three in the morning every night fretting about the wedding."

Draco glared at Blaise and took a huge swallow of butterbeer, "Sometimes I hate you so much." Laughter broke out around the table and even Draco had to crack a smile.

"I actually can't wait for your wedding, is it a bad that thing that I'm more excited for you than I was for my own?" Ginny grinned and shrugged.

The four of them talked and laughed together just like old times. It was a weird sense of déjà vu, bringing back old memories from they Hogwarts years, when they'd go out to Hogsmeade in winter, to warm themselves up from the cold. Hermione smiled to herself and took another sip of the sweet creamy drink.

Draco drank up his last drop of butterbeer and laced his fingers through hers, "Now if you don't mind, my fiancée and I would like to go for a walk together."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at Hermione who only shrugged. "We'll be right back, guys."

The air outside had gotten a little cooler, making Hermione shiver even though it wasn't winter.

"You cold?"

"Just a little."

"I'd offer you my jacket but..."

"You don't have one."

"Yep," he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, "I don't have a jacket."

He cupped her face in his  hands and pulled her in for a kiss. His lips were sweet from the butterbeer though dry from the cold but she didn't mind. They pulled apart but stayed in each others arms for a while longer.

"We're actually getting married." She said into his shirt, Merlin, he smells like spearmint, she thought and smiled.

"I know. Soon you'll be Hermione Malfoy."

"Hermione Malfoy, huh?" She kissed him again, "That sounds wonder - what was that?" It sounded like someone was cackling. Actually cackling.


"Listen," everything seemed to have quiet down suddenly, "Please tell me it's not who I think it is."

"Guess we'll have to find out." He grabbed heat hand and followed the voice until they reached a small alley between two old buildings right at the back of Hogsmeade.

Pansy Parkinson seemed to be talking to someone, a man hidden in the shadows. She looked healthier than the last time Hermione had seen her which was probably a good thing, right? The two figures whispered something and later, shook hands.

Draco and Hermione backed away and headed back to their friends, "Who was that?"

"I have no idea, but if she's laughing like that then we need to get outta here."

Sorry that took a long time but next chapter things will be seen from a very different POV. :)

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